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Ship RAM effects

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Would it be possible to increase *with caution* the damages produced by a ram ?

The ratio would relies on: the larger ship size difference the heavier the damage upon the ramed ship. 

This feature, with damage effects onto ship structure (not only sails damage), could offset the clumsiness of heavy ship when being attacked by several lighter ships. If well managed by Heavy ship captain, it could become an additional tactic in PB's for example. A boarding action (where ships are cutting the rout of another ship) would be paid higher price when failled.

Now, it might become trickier for new players who could ram their friends by mistake...But somehow this feature goes toward more historical realism. 

Edited by Celtiberofrog
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Sounds pretty similar to what we had in the past, even with the ship class damage increase/reduction that still meant that gray trash 4th rates were used to ram perfect-built 1st rates to death, meaning that ship rate isn't always a good indicator.

The bow versus broadside ramming damage is a difficult thing to judge - if the guy with the bow takes most of the damage, people will try to cut him off (probably making it easier to push people into the wind now that he has to turn away to avoid damage), but if the guy with the broadside takes the most damage people will use the ships as torpedoes.

That said though, yeah, the bumper-car gameplay is very gamey and silly-looking and more pronounced now that with multi-repairs it is more important than ever to separate lone ships to kill off quickly and/or board, it didn't use to be that bad.

Hopefully there's a good solution to be found. I really hope that they introduce ramming damage into Legends since there you wont have the trash-vs-excellent ship disparity.

Edited by Guest
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Sure increase it... But when your at Full sail and run into a ship that reduces your speed by more then 50% in basically an instant... You should expect to lose some or all of your Masts.... They are still under the full strain of all that wind.. and the masts and where they attach to the keel are NOT designed for those kind of sudden stresses.  Same thing should happen in battle if you run aground

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