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Marked with the Black Spot - NO LONGER USED

Bloody Hound

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Aye this be coming out my pocket which i have alot of stolen gold but i can't throw away loads you may go up in time  :P


You be worth 100k if you sunk in a 3rd rate + though!


Tac i also get a feeling apart from pirates the US list will get bigger n bigger....

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Ahoy Mateys! It has been pointed out to me that I left a particularly scurvy dog off the list


T' Reward be 10,000 Doubloons unless stated they be worth more!



- Rustymchook

- The Bloody Hound


- Des

- Vyshin

- Gizzard Puke

- Karl Bartesen

- John Silvers

- Vil Coyote

- Aniki

- Bloodlust

- Corg

- Snegr


United States

- Prater - 50,000 gold

- Caeser Augustus

- Ellis


Great Britain

- Charles Caldwell - 50,000 gold






Verenidge Provincen







Edited by mouse of war
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Ah ! Glad for my recet outpost in Key West then. Seems these unruly sons of a black flag are due a visit.


Any entrepeneur captain trying to catch a prize at the 13 States shall be put to the bottom by non stop rolling fire, courtesy of the dutch privateers.

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The list will be mostly Pirates, US and GB I think. Maybe some Dane or Spainiard.


Dutch, French don't really run into pirates that much, but seem to be destined to eternally run into each other...


You are right pretty much, Until problems start occurring in game with these nations then yeah it just be GB/US/Spanish mainly 


And mouse of war i get the joke ;) but shorten that post down please! Plus unless someone here puts a bounty on me i wont target myself eh?


Plus i get the feeling all these insults are to get on the list! Ha! Actions which happen in game will get on on the list not throwing your actionless insults over a forums ye scallywags!

Edited by The Bloody Hound
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Ahoy Mateys! It has been pointed out to me that I left a particularly scurvy dog off the list


T' Reward be 10,000 Doubloons unless stated they be worth more!



- The Bloody Hound

- Pagan Pete

- Salzi


United States

- Prater - 10 gold

- Caeser Augustus 11 Gold

- Ellis 1337 Gold


Great Britain

- Charles Caldwell - 1 gold

- Meanuva 9001 gold






Spanish  Neutrals


Verenidge Provincen



Tomms123 - Flatpack furniture



Edited by Salzi
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Aye! i was debating on putting you on Chustler but ye have not been put in the bad books of our black captains yet. And aye i can't wait for screenshots of there demise! 


I'll hopefully put more names up in due time when i start collecting names from the pirate clans that im in touch with!

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I'm having a hard time following my own trail.  Sometimes I'm worth 10 gold, 20,000 Gold and 50,000 gold, all in 1 day?


Everything in the before posts are jokes ye not worth 10g, 50k was to high as im not going for ye personally but im paying for it so... but i know ye a officer of TDA so i can't get ya to low. Sink in a 3rd rate and ye be worth 40k instead yarr! 


Charles is worth more for reasons.... Don't worry you'll go up in time i also remember ye sinking in Frozen Cay so in a away the people hunting ya got a little satisfied im just putting a cheery on top when they do kill ya again!

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Lol ok.  Sounds good.  The similar posts after the first post were causing me confusion.  Are these just pirate bounties or can people put names on the list (with how much gold they are willing to pay for the bounty?).  TDA used to have a private list of names.  Perhaps we need to resurrect it and put how much we are willing to pay for the bounties we submit.  Or should other nations create their own threads?


Though in Frozen Cay I was in a captured pirate mercury, so didn't lose anything.  :D

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Wouldnt it be great if everyone had this much fun with this game instead of complaining abvout this or that all the time...   I think this is great.  If nothing else it makes one want to improve their PvP skill in an attempt to get on a list of such esteemed names.  


I usually dont offer to take a glass of wine with pirates, but I shall gladly make an exception here.

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Lol ok.  Sounds good.  The similar posts after the first post were causing me confusion.  Are these just pirate bounties or can people put names on the list (with how much gold they are willing to pay for the bounty?).  TDA used to have a private list of names.  Perhaps we need to resurrect it and put how much we are willing to pay for the bounties we submit.  Or should other nations create their own threads?


Though in Frozen Cay I was in a captured pirate mercury, so didn't lose anything.  :D


Aye that's why i asked them to shorten or remove em , and this be for everyone if they wanted, it mainly pirate focused because thee is pirate and i have no idea want other nation be hunting, aslong as you say you paying for it so ill put your name or something to contact when they sink that be fine!


so this is for everyone saves making loads of threads etc...


All my ships are captured US  :D 


Hopefully a Forum Mod will shorten there posts to a more reasonable way or change em so people don't get confused.

Edited by The Bloody Hound
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Lol ok.  Sounds good.  The similar posts after the first post were causing me confusion.  Are these just pirate bounties or can people put names on the list (with how much gold they are willing to pay for the bounty?).  TDA used to have a private list of names.  Perhaps we need to resurrect it and put how much we are willing to pay for the bounties we submit.  Or should other nations create their own threads?


Though in Frozen Cay I was in a captured pirate mercury, so didn't lose anything.  :D


Was I ever on that privet list of bountys? D:

Before wipe people said I had a 50k bounty on me by some nation never found out who it was, was spoken about in global but alas wasnt online :c.

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