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Le Hollandais Violent

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About Le Hollandais Violent

  • Birthday 12/03/1979

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Le Hollandais Violent's Achievements


Landsmen (1/13)



  1. I think, if carefully implemented (in a totally different way that OP suggests) this could add a little incertainty in a fun way. I can imagine that a grapeshot broadside hitting a deck at the right moment could potentially shock the cannon crews, but in what extent is the question. I can't raise the dead and ask them about what was really happening during battle, but i think sailors were well aware that if they let fear take over they were pretty much f****d.
  2. I'd replace the health bar with an estimated damage report : get rid of percentage, bars, and numbers, and just put phrases to describe how damaged the ship seems to be from the player's point of view. Plus I would add informations about the type of guns. For instance : "The starboard of the ship seems heavily damaged , their sails seem in bad shape, It looks like the ship is taking water. The crew is pretty much active and pumping" The longer you stare with the telescope, the more informations you get.
  3. I would love to have the ability to visit different buildings when not at sea. Even if it's just in a simple menu. Something like "visit tavern", "visit shipyard", "visit church", "wander around town" you click on it and a picture pops up with a randomly selected text describe what happens and let you choose between different outcomes (a la "King of the Dragon Pass" if anybody ever played this gem). Outcomes should have very small impacts for most of them, like " one crew member is hurt" or "gain 2 fresh food", but some of them could add some significant bonus or malus if the risk is well balanced, this would add some really cool littles stories to write on your captain log. Example : My ship arrives in Cherbourg with a load of tobacco, since my crew just crossed the atlantic seas and needs some well earned rest and amusement, i decide to hit the tavern before selling my tobacco, a text and picture pops up, and tells me I'm being approached by a man claiming he will buy my tobacco 20% over the normal price. Should I accept, the outcome could be : 1) Everything goes as planned, I make a significant profit form that event (75%) 2) The trade authority hears about this, and my tobacco is confiscated (25%). I can think of hundreds and hundreds of those little stories.
  4. Après quelques heures àjouer, je dois dire que je suis positivement impressionné par la qualité du travail accompli. Celà dit je suis un peu surpris de la facilité à virer vent debout pour les navires à voiles carrées. J'ai poursuivi un Brick avec mon Cotre hier, et j'ai eu la sensation que c'était aussi simple pour lui que pour moi. Je ne suis pas marin, mais j'ai l'intuition que vu la différence de dimension et de gréement les petits navires devraient etre bien plus manoeuvrables au près, non ?
  5. Salut à tous, je suivais ce jeu depuis un petit moment, et j'ai fini par craquer cette semaine. J'ai 35 ans et je joue surtout à des jeux de plateau et des jeux de rôles, ainsi que des jeux de simulations et de gestion sur PC. J'ai hâte de voir ce que tout ça va donner une fois que le monde sera ouvert (commerce, missions, etc.). Je suis content de voir que la communauté française est très présente et active. Ahoy !
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