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Marquês do Bonfim

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About Marquês do Bonfim

  • Birthday 12/10/1994

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    : Sul Fluminense, RJ

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Midshipman (5/13)



  1. Eu e o Eliot começamos do zero a traduzir o jogo novamente, logo mais disponibilizaremos o link aqui na thread. Eu diria que a tradução está entre 60~65% completada, mas falta bastante coisa importante a ser traduzida ainda. Fiquem ligados.
  2. Sim, também pensei em deixar como a tradução literal do inglês, mas fica muito estranho quando in-game, porém, talvez seja melhor mesmo. Se tiver algum discord em que possamos entrar em contato talvez, a gente possa discutir melhor em relações de termos da tradução e até te enviar o que já tenho traduzido, mas vale lembrar que está bem no começo ainda.
  3. Eu recomecei do zero dessa vez, to aos pouquinhos traduzindo o UI por completo, mas falta bastante coisa. E ao invés de 'Levantar Ancora' eu coloquei só "Âncorando..." pra quando o player entra em algum porto. — Vídeo mostrando mais ou menos um pouco da tradução em batalha. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS98NJ_v5gM
  4. Por isso é de extrema importância que a comunidade pt—br faça por is mesma, como a comunidade espanhola fez e foi adicionada ao jogo original. Creio eu que nesse caso, se fizermos (e eu to fazendo), será adicionada oficialmente ao jogo. Aliás, fui eu que comentei no seu vídeo recentemente. @Lord of Balgard
  5. Weirdly enough, It's not letting me access the file in order to download it. I don't know if it's on my end or yours, can you check for me please? Edit: Nevermind, I found a MEGA link that worked.
  6. Voltando a jogar, estou pensando em dar uma baita de uma atualizada nessa tradução que eu fiz. Logo mais eu solto algumas informações mais elaboradas aqui no tópico. Obrigado a todos que fizeram o download & utilizaram da minha atualização, apesar de estar incompleta.
  7. Oh, I've been waiting for a thread like this for years now, it's finally here! Thank you.
  8. I still think Portugal would be the right choice, if the devs are thinking about adding a new nation. I know a few brazilian guys playing NA right now, met some portuguese players myself and, including me, Portugal will probably be the next Poland faction in the game, tiny nation but, there will be players in it and willing to keep the nation alive. I also wouldn't mind, at all, if the Portuguese flag would be added under the British nation. I actually suggested this a long time ago. It would be viable to have it under Britain /IF/ there is no possibility of adding it as a nation.
  9. Great guide, this will definitely help me and my clan organize ourselves even more in-depth.
  10. Would make capturing a ship from an enemy nation way more compelling, but since you can craft them, capturing ships only suits the basic instinct... Having a ship to do more battles. Also, refits... one of the biggest game changes in that era, we don't have. We can only craft and destroy, but never upgrade it or better fit it, I wonder why. And don't get me wrong, a lot of players will say that limiting ship choices per nation would limit gameplay, but you gotta ask yourself.. Would it? I mean, you would get more options to bring into a battle. Instead of sink it, you can capture it, refit (maybe rename it :C) and put it into your national enterprise fleet to better fit your clan port battle/rvr formation. Having crafted ships locked to their own nations would make players engage more in pvp, would make boarding a more viable choice instead of simply brawler gameplay, and adding something like refitting into the game, maybe renaming ships even more enjoyable to play. IMO.
  11. I wish we would only suggest flags that were actually used around the West-Indies, tho.
  12. Open world and instance definetly needs a revamp. Weather should always be a factor in either battle or travelling. If you're caught up in a storm, you should be teleported to a instance, where you actually go through the storm like in a battle (but yourself), masts should get damage if you keep full sails lowered. Heeling should be also a thing in battle, the bigger the ship, the stable it sails, since it's weight should counter-balance the heeling. There should be more islands with different designs, maybe some mountain-wall that dives straight into the ocean, instead of it being completely uniform from low-high-low point of view with tons of florest around. There should be more rivers cutting straight into the island that we could sail through. Port Battle should also include 2 phases, one being; you gotta fight for the 3 points, keeping the enemy fleet from taking it. 2; taking the forts at bay and harrassing the city with cannon fire from the ocean. 3; sending in the long boats to take the town. (This would go hand-in-hand with the Port Battles coming to the PVE server) Also, forts and towers should be nerfed down, a fort/tower shouldn't be that much of a threat if you're counter-attacking it's cannons, the reload time should be nerf and the amount of cannons you take from the fort should be more realistic. I've tried taking down a fort by myself few days ago, I got it to mid-hp, but everytime it gave me a full broadside like I was battling a goddamn ship of the line, and my hp was going down quicker than his, which is insane. Forts and towers are not that strong. Looting shipwrecks should be always on an instance, like in battle. You sail close to it, anchor your ship near the wreck and loot it like looting a ship recently sunk in battle. Also, looting ships. We should be able to anchor down and send in long boats to do the looting. I still don't understand why we need to get that much close to a ship in order to loot it, it makes us lose time and effort. Let us anchor down near the location and have the option to send in long boats to retrieve the loot. It doesn't even need to be animated or graphic. Just make the circle of looting around the ship bigger and instead of it being "Inspect the ship hold", do something like "Send in the long boats" and we're good.
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