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Capitán Charles Vane

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Everything posted by Capitán Charles Vane

  1. What are you saying, if charles is a new account, do not get confused with charles since there are other charles, and this account is new
  2. This man has been swindling the Spanish nation and specifically the clan GOE, has been insulting in the national channel to several people of the Spanish clans. They have double accounts taking advantage of the situation Frank (The Spartan) Pedro Tellez (Jhon Phoe) That day he left the harbor turning around me, provoking me, putting his ship winged of me in a provocative plan, with this man we had many problems, and as they drove him from the clan goe for swindling his members, trying to recruit secretly from the clan goe and entering harbor battles with their double accounts, without asking for permission to win victory marks, and mutating in the teamspeak
  3. Bienvenidos al clan Wolf,clan Español de Piratas Nuestra base está en Mortimer Town, donde tenemos nuestros propios astilleros y fábrica de cañones. Tenemos una política bien montada para conseguir todos los recursos para la fabricación de nuestros propios barcos y cañones. También hacemos PvE,PvP,combates de puertos,calentamientos y combates épicos. Si Estás interesado/a en pertenecer a nuestro clan,manda mp mediante el juego o mediante este foro Miembros:6
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