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Everything posted by MidnightLight

  1. After the Full release is there a possibility of modding the game for Steam Workshop users so that players can make there own mods,scenarios and campaigns or even CVs since they don't seem to be coming into the game at this time Just thought they may be a good idea for more challenging gameplay
  2. Bl4CK after the Brits won at Santiago De Cuba
  3. Not sure if you know this or not but Puerto Del Padre does not have a Port Icon over it
  4. MidnightLight


    when i craft a ship i have to exit the game because i can't click the OK on the Ships build information just wondeing if it is a bug and how to fix it This is also in Full Screen Mode
  5. Not Bad Day to For A Cruse To My Beach House In St Marys
  6. Admin Please close this thread it is only going to resort to him being a troll on the fourm for his own Personal reason's for the F11 removal
  7. And This Lady's And Gents is why you don't get on Privateers Bad side and mess with Pirate Trading Or you end Up Getting Sunk.
  8. What is this post 43 or 44 i can't Remember now Because it is starting to get Old
  9. When a US Player Asks For His Ship Back After You Started the Boarding
  10. So lets get this ball rolling shall I When there Econ is reset all of our money will be gone how to do you expect clans that have ports that they pay for them. To be able to get the money to pay for the said ports if the Econ is going to be in a disaster after the wipe happens you wont have many happy people if all of there clans money is gone and then they lose all of there ports they worked hard for are gone
  11. I had taken a break from this for 6 months and came back 2 weeks ago was pretty happy to still have all of my ships and my Xp that i spent months Grinding for and now that i learn that you plan on Wiping the game and my Xp that i worked hard for Sadness me. I find more fun being in my bigger ships not a Cutter or trader that is not fun to me i prefer to fire my guns and wreak house with them, not being is a Stupid cutter not doing anything. And yet even after my 6 month Break i see the Devs still don't care about what US THE PLAYERS worked to build in NA if you continue to break Promises with Us you might now even have a Player base when the Game Launches.
  12. So far Since the wipe the Numbers have been up and Down but where did the Mods with Green Names Like Red Duke and Iroquis go. did they Fall of the Map or did they Just Quit like there Nations they had been part of when the rest of there Nation Quit?
  13. just wondering what rate of PB Kids is since the wipe as it not on the map so you cant tell if its is a 1st Rate of a Fourth rate PB
  14. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/851591997431247792/254DD69986629CC352B62590377026C336D0C868/ French VS the Danes
  15. And this is why i Stay out of the Forum because the only thing you see is Van der Decken trolling on here
  16. This March Madness kill board is the most fun i have had in a long time and it making the game more fun to me and i hope that this keeps Going even after this is over.
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