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  1. It's a little weird because 2nd bull run requires 9 AO, but then Antietam has your brigade limit for each corps back to 20 instead of 25.
  2. Yeah I had to go back and replay Malvern Hill and the side battles to get 9 AO to get passed 2nd bull run. The few extra brigades made the difference holding the CSA right flank.
  3. I'm hard stuck here as well. It would be fine, but the time it takes your reinforcements to arrive is far too long. And yeah, it's pretty ahistorical for the Union to launch such a coordinated assault on Stony Ridge. This is a battle the CSA won pretty much entirely based on the Union's incompetence and lack of good intelligence. I've tried multiple strats, but the attack on the CSA right flank is pretty impossible to stop when you only have one corps. I actually have more men deployed to the battle, but never get to see them before my right flank is overrun by non-stop charges by multiple corps that just spawn on top of them practically. If I pull more troops off the left flank, then it gets overrun and I still can't hold the right flank for much longer. The best I've done is my right flank is chain routing just as reinforcements arrive, but it's too late and the loses are my best troops and massive. For me the battle is 68000 CSA vs 62000 Union, but because of how long it takes reinforcements to arrive it's like 22000 vs 62000. I'm not the best player I'm sure, but not the worst. Doesn't seem doable without doing some really cheese strats. Perhaps with army org high enough to get 25 units per corp, but 20 (21 with forrest) it's pretty impossible. The AI spawns practically on top of your right flank and fresh with like 12+ brigades.
  4. The Southern states were just butthurt over Longstreet's support for the government's Reconstruction and putting down the White League revolt in Louisiana so they spent many decades slandering him. They also tried to blame him for Lee's failure at Gettysburg for giving Lee good advice.
  5. IMO, Longstreet was the GOAT civil war commander and he couldn't get through to Lee I doubt Jackson would have made much difference.
  6. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/93850730499204090/D3A736FB5F762CBA66FFEFDDFF4B43F8030B11F1/ I like to flank from both sides, my best division on the left, my worst divisions in the center and about 6-8 division with cavalry on the right. Attack the forest fortification from both directions while the cav distracts and kills cannon batteries. The units in the forest fortification usually get fulled wiped or captured, after that it's pretty easy to push the capture point from there. My elite forces in the left will come in to mop up for free kills because the AI will usually go berserk to cap the point back. Snipers are awesome for this map because you can do so much damage to them from the left flank. Two units of skirmishers can probably get 2000 kills a piece.
  7. To deal with this, you need to use generals with +20% ammo to lead your corps for these larger battles. It helps a lot. I was able to finish Antietam on major general while only using about 30,000 of my own supplies plus some enemy supplies. Almost everyone had ammo when they needed it.
  8. The experience bonus effects both sides. CSA troops just start with higher experience so they can get their skill early. Having a high level commander for Union is still important because it saves you money by allowing you to keep your unit skills while hiring rookies at a higher threshold.
  9. This isn't entirely true. The division commander gives an efficiency/command bonus. A higher level division commander means you can have lower level brigade commanders controlling your brigades. This can come in handy later in the campaign if you're running low on officers but need to put more rifles on the field. For example, with a Maj. Gen as division commander you can have Lt. Col command 2000 unit brigades with no loss to efficiency or command. The real reason to have higher level officers for your brigades is for the experience bonus provided. Another example, a raw recruited Confederate infantry brigade commanded by a Lt. Col will have no skills, but if you assign a raw infantry brigade a Colonel it will get enough experience for the first skill which is a real advantage early on.
  10. It happened so bad to me on the minor battle when you have the two boats and you have to attack the CSA uphill.. forget what it's called. One of my entire 2000 troop 3 star brigades was meleeing a canon, then got charged by enemy cavalry, followed by multiple enemy brigades. It routed and pulled through the massive blob of enemies and shrunk to less than 800 men and I restarted the battle. This was before the last hotfix that claimed to fix this however.
  11. You can play the map as intended, using the fixed cover, etc and have a pretty easy time.. But the treeline on the hill is massive. You can park your entire line up there and the AI won't be able to do anything since they have to climb up the hill under fire and then trade with your entire army in 100% cover.
  12. I captured some of these in my CSA campaign and it was my strategy to place as many smaller cannon batteries on the field this campaign as I could so I put them to use. I was shocked to see the range on the cannister for this cannon. I had it placed in the entrenched position for cannons at Fredericksburg in the opening stage and it was shooting cannister at Union brigades parked well outside the forest. It was incredibly effective.
  13. There is just a really high chance for any brigade commander to get hit especially if you're rough with your men and they take lots of casualties. It seems really random and a really high chance as well... seems like you'll have 1-3 wounded officers per minor engagement and probably double in the major engagements plus one or two deaths.
  14. This is the best way to level your personal general. Brigades, with Corps commanders that give +10% exp, gain experience way faster that the Corps commanders.
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