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Everything posted by Sunleader

  1. So. I got the Game in March 2016. The Caribic Update Number 3 Said. That all Owners of the Game would get a Redeemable for Trincomalee once a Day. Yet. I did not get it. It says DLC Required. Am I doing something wrong ? Did I miss something ?
  2. Given the way he Wrote his Response I would assume that his message is pretty Simple. You dont wanna Buy DLC so hello kitty You. We already got your Money for the Base Game. And if you dont intend to Spend further Money we could not care less about you. To that End a further Explanation of the Consequences of Deleting a Character is not Necessary. As Honestly said I think that Deleting a Character and Starting a New Character does Sufficiently Imply that you Start a "New Character" at Rank 0"
  3. So. I came back to Check out what has Changed in the Game Today. Upon trying to Change my Perks and not being able to. Because I lack an Item for it. I Asked in the Forums on how this works. There I was told that you can Buy the Item in the Admirality Store. Thing is. I do not have a Admirality Store. When I left the Game I was in Prussia on the PvE Server. Which was not a Problem. Because I had like 6 or so Forged Papers. So assuming the Devs really never come around to Fix the PvE Server and give Prussia etc some Default Ports there. if I wanted to. I could simply change Nations again. Except. That Apparently these Forget Papers were Wiped while I was gone. And it also seems that even Several Months Later the Devs have not been able to actually fix this Issue with the PvE Server and have as usual just ignored this Game Breaking Issue. So Now. I am Stuck with my Character being Prussia on the PvE Server and not having a way to Change Nations. Unless I Pay 20 Euro to Buy a DLC that allows me to Change Nation. Meaning that the Character is basicly hello kittyed. Now pls note. I am not going to Pay 20 Euro just to Check out what has Changed in the Game. So Question is. If there is another way to Change Nations in the PvE Server.
  4. Well too bad then. I am Prussia on PvE Server. So I cannot Access Admirality Store ^^ I used to have like 6 or so Forged Papers to Change Nations. But it seems they got Wiped somewhere in between while I was gone. So Basicly I am hello kittyed and cant do anything. Guess so much for me giving the Game another Chance.
  5. If I try to Reset my Perks. It says I need an Item for that. So where do I get such an Item ? I have not yet actually Found any way to get such an Item. I wanted to take a look at what they changed in the Game in the Months after I left. One such thing is the New Map Skill.
  6. LOL. So basicly. Keep the Reinforcement Zones but make them even more Useless then they are already ? You guys Really wont give up until you have Killed this Game completely and have driven out even the last few Players will you....
  7. The Answer to that is rather Simple. Because RPK and Ganking is not PvP What most Normal Players think of when Joining a PvP Game. Is Epic Battles and Duels. Which in Open World might not be entirely Fair at all times. But will be Fair in at least half the cases. There is a Two Choices 1. Simply Remove all Grinding and Leveling. Everyone Immediately has Access to Competetive Equipment. This way everyone can Fight and will have a Chance in a Fight. PvE Players will Stay away from the Start and you will get PvP Players. 2. Divide the Map into Zones. PvE Players stay in the Safe Zones where they Run the Economy and where Newer Players can Level. And PvP Players go into the Contested Zones where you can get Harbours and Booty from Enemy Players by Fighting a War. This Game Unfortunately does neither. There is a Tremendous Grind. So PvPers Run away from the Game. Moreover it takes long before you get anything Decent that actually Stands a Chance against other Players. Meaning most Newer Players just get Bashed and Leave the Game right away. But there is no real Zones anymore either. So PvE Players which would usually run the Economy thus easing the Grind for PvP Players. Do not Exist. They all left because they got Bashed out by the RPKs and Gankers. Also We tend to always Sort People into PvP and PvE Players entirely. But Truth is barely anyone is 100% of either. Most PvE Players Join PvP Server because they actually like PvP. But not 24/7 and not when they are Driving around a Small Frigate and the Enemy is Driving around with 2 Constitutions and 2 Ships of the Line. Right now This Game is a Complete and Utter Failure.
  8. Too Late anyways. The Game is Dead. Even if they Changed it back now. Everyone who Left will stay away. And the Few People who are left is for most part just the Gankers and Griefers anyways. So they would throw a Tantrum if it got Changed. Face it. This Game has gone into the usual Spiral of Death. Due to weak PvP Protection the Population Dies. PvE Players demand Stronger PvP Protection. With Stronger Protection but less Players the RPKs and Gankers no longer find Targets and demand less PvP Protection. Due to weak PvP Protection the Population Dies. PvE Players demand Stronger PvP Protection. With Stronger Protection but less Players the RPKs and Gankers no longer find Targets and demand less PvP Protection. Due to weak PvP Protection the Population Dies. Thing is. We are now at the End of that Spiral. There Simply no longer is enough PvE Players as that they would warrant enough Complaints for a Change. So the Game will slowly but surely Die. And there is nothing you could do against it by now. Because are already below the Threshould where you could Pull around anyways. If you check the Forum 9 out of 10 Answers you get is from Toxic Griefers and RPKs that want to Kill everything at any Time they please with no Restrictions. And meanwhile the Playercount Drops and Drops. If you Changed it now the Player Count would Drop even Faster because then the Griefers and RPKs leave as there is nobody left to Grief or RPK. So the Game will now Simply Continue Dying a Slow and Steady Death losing 3-5% of its Players each Month till the Population has Dropped so Low that even without any Protection Zones they are unable to Find anything and thus the remnants leave as well.
  9. Nah they never Happened. Currently we got about 400 People Online in Average. Back then we had over 1200 People. If they did not come True. Would you mind telling me where the other 800 People Disappeared to ? Let me Guess. They were PvPers. And because they hated the Removal of all Safezones so much. They left ? Yeah nice Try. Well. As I said. I dont expect you to believe it this time. Lets talk again in a Year when the Server will be sitting at like 200-300 People...
  10. Mate. 200 Miles. Not 200 Square Miles. In the Game you easily Spot any Ship within like 50 Miles In Reality. Even the HMS Victory with its over 60m High Mast would barely be able to See Ships at about 25 Miles And that was assuming 100% Clear and Calm Weather and a very Good Spotter which happens to actually Notice the Ship sticking out behind the Horizon and the Waves. Pair that with the Surreal Speed at which we move. And you notice. That a Raider is easily able to completely Lock Off entire Trade Routes without any Chance to go around him or make a Run for it. Now pair that with the now entirely Removed Protection. And you know for sure. That Traders are in essence Removed from the Game with this Update. Well not that I care anymore. Back when they Removed Safezones we had 1000 Players Average and I told you guys this removal Safezones will result in the Game losing most of its Population. A Year Later you got less than 500 Players Average left. You guys did not listen back then. You wont listen now. I already know that. All thats left to do. Is to wait for the Game to Die. The Joke is. In a few Months. When the Game is down to like 300 People and you are unable to find any Targets despite hunting for Hours. You will not say. Ok maybe that Change was Crab. Maybe we should try to give the New Players and PvE Players some Room to Play and not Chase them out of the Game because without them the Game dies. You will go ahead and say that the small Remaining Protection should be Removed as well. So you can Massacre and Drive off the last remaining Players as well. I have long given up on this Game anyways. The Devils Circle Never Ends. Its always the same Circle for these Games. PvP Players dont get enough Targets = PvPers Demand less Protection. Less Protection = Less Players staying in the Game. Less Players staying the Game. = Less Targets for PvP PvP Players dont get enough Targets = PvPers Demand less Protection. Less Protection = Less Players staying in the Game. Less Players staying the Game. = Less Targets for PvP PvP Players dont get enough Targets = PvPers Demand less Protection. Less Protection = Less Players staying in the Game. <------------------------------------------------------------------ Thats about where we are right now. Less Players staying the Game. = Less Targets for PvP PvP Players dont get enough Targets = PvPers Demand less Protection. Less Protection = Less Players staying in the Game. Less Players staying the Game. = Less Targets for PvP PvP Players dont get enough Targets = PvPers Demand less Protection. Less Protection = Less Players staying in the Game. Less Players staying the Game. = Less Targets for PvP And so on and so forth and so on and so forth. Till there is Nobody Left....
  11. 1. Thats Bullcrab. As inside the Safezones there is Barely any Good Trade Lanes. In General Tradelanes in this Game consist of Shipping Goods from Producing Ports to the Capitols. The Capitol is in a Safezone. But the Producing Ports are not. And anything beyond small Profit Trade Goods are outside the Range of your Capitols Safezone. But since Trading outside the Safezone is Suicide. People simply dont use these much better Tradelanes. 2. I expect Raiding, Trading etc. Thing is. In this Game Trading outside a Safezone is near Impossible. Because you need ways to Avoid Raiders. in this Game however. As the Raider can Just Camp 200 miles of Ocean you cant really sneak past. You are always Forced into a Fight. Which is simply not a thing you can Win as a Trader. Hence no Trading happens outside Safezones. 3. You can make Millions by Repeating the same Mini Trade over and over inside the Safezone. Thats True. But Sorry. Farming Missions or just Open World is Faster Money. Because inside the Safezone the Profit Range is extremely Small. 4. Gold has no Value because Gold cant actually Buy you anything. You can have 50 Million Gold. But what Value has that Gold when the PvE has been Killed entirely already ? Ships and Upgrades are by now pretty much a Clan Business Only. On the Market you simply do not get anything for Gold. There is nothing you can buy for Gold. As Clans etc got their own Crafters and need Materials not Gold. If you want Gold to have a Value you need stuff you can Buy for Gold. But Playing this Game as an PvE Oriented Player Producing Goods is next to Impossible unless your in a Clan. And IF your in a Clan you will move these Goods into the Clan not into the Market. Hence Gold has no Value because even if you got 50000 Million Gold. There is nothing you can Buy for it. But this will actually become even worse now. Because now Producing anything without a Clan will be even Harder. So Clans will Sell even less Stuff on the Market. And the few remaining Players which produce for the market will be crippled even more as they get even less materials etc. In short. This Change will make Gold even more useless. Because there will be even less to Buy for it. 5. True. The Inbalance is a Problem. But this is not Fixed by this Change. Its not affected at all. Its not really relevant. to this Topic. 6. I Speak of a Gank when a Coordinated Squad Hunts for Solo Players. Nothing else. 7. Sorry but you can Talk as Big as you want. And its still Bullcrab. Sure its Part of the Game to lose a Ship. But what you completely Fail to Realize. Is that being Rich is Completely useless. You can get something for Gold because your part of a Clan. You get Ships from your Clans Crafters. Thats why to you it does not hurt to Lose a Ship. But the Common Player. Has to Buy Ships on the Market. So he only gets useless low Tier Crab. Losing any Ship Hurts Tremendously. Because he cant really Buy new Ships properly. Which is because the PvE Side of the Game is DEAD. And with the PvE Side being DEAD. The only Crafters and thus the only available Replacements are almost all in Clan Hands. This Game right now. Is trying something incredible Stupid. Its trying to make an Open PvP Arena which is 100% Focused on PvP but requires Crafting and Grinding. Thing is. The PvE Players which would usually handle the Crafting and the Grind. Cant really Play this Game. Because its 100% PvP Focused and thus absolutely not Fun for them to Play. And to the PvP players this Grinding and Crafting Stuff is more like an Annoying Sidejob which they dont really care about. So the PvPers which actually want to Fight each other. Run Away because they get annoyed that from the Rewards they get from Fighting they cant really Buy new Ships etc. Thus ending up Forced to Grind. And the PvEers all leave the Game because they cant really play the Game properly anyways. As they just get Hunted everywhere. I said it in my other Post already. This Change will result in a Major Loss of Players for the Game. A Loss that will likely not be Recovered for Years.
  12. OK. OoooooK. Mate. I will be a bit Rude here. But I ask you to Calmly Read the Post out. As I will be giving you an Honest Opinion. 1. I would ask you not to Run Threats like this. Most PvE Players are gone anyways. So it wont be the staggering 50% loss this time. But I am fairly Sure there will still be a Considerable Loss. And when the few Traders that are Left. Leave as well. The RPKs will Follow soon as they Run out of Targets. And when Players Leave in large Numbers. You will likely break down again and Add back Protection. 2. I dont think anyone Questions that 2 First Rates was Overkill. But you are now going Overkill into the other Direction. 1 Ship of Equal Class is nowhere close to Perfect Protection. 1 NPC of Equal Class is a Joke that any halfwat Decent Player can easily Ignore while Killing the Trader and then Leisurely Kill afterwards. I used NPC Escorts a few Times. And 3 with Upgrades Equipped Frigates will not even Stop 2 Player Raiders of Equal Class. Not because they lack Combat Power. But because the Maneuvering AI is so Horrible. That the AI will simply not really bother the Raiders. The Raiders will be able to Simply Ignore the Raiders for most of the Time. Kill the Trader. And then either Escape or Kill the Escorts. And even if they are Buffed. Just 1 Enemy of Equal Class will be no Challenge to most Raiders. 3. This Change is Incredible Counter Productive and does not Solve the Problem at all because it does hit the entirely Wrong part of the Population. The Common Complained from PvPers is that these Reinforcements are abused by PvPers to protect their Ports. But PvP Squads. That actually Fight back and from the get go had a Fighting Chance. Will still be nearly Impossible to Beat with these Reinforcements they get on top of their own Combat Strength. However. New Players and Traders which have no Combat Capabilitys will have no use here. In a Fight they get Killed too Fast for the Reinforcements to have any Effect. And when they Run away the NPC Reinforcements will simply not be Maneuvering Good enough to Serve as any Protection to them. In short. This Change will not Solve the Problem of PvPers using the Safezone as Hiding Spots at all. But will completely Remove Newbe and Trader Protection. Resulting in an even worse Player Retention than we already got anyways. 4. This Change is not well tought out at all. In Fact this Change is a complete Failure. Because with 1 Equal Ship as Reinforcement. This means that a Single Attacker that Attacks another Player for an Honest Duel. Will be Fighting 2 vs 1. Meanwhile the 6 Guys Ganking Squad that Massacres a New Player will be Fighting 7 vs 6. And thus be barely at any Disadvantage. In Total. Let me tell you this. If I was a Ganker. I would get 2-3 Friends. 1-2 Would use Fast Frigates 2 Would use Heavy Armored Ships of the Line The Frigates will Swiftly Rush in to make sure that the New Player doesnt need to Suffer too long. While the 2 Ships of the Line will Dispose of the NPC Reinforcements. Which will be 2 Ships of the Line and 1-2 Frigates. A Heavy Armored Ship of the Line will easily Dispose of pretty much any Equal NPC Ship. And the Frigates even if they are Buffed will not really Change the Numbers. And the New Player or Trader will be Easy Prey for the 2 Frigates. Long Story Short. This Change Promotes Ganking Squads. This Change Removes all Trader and Newbe Protection. This Change does Not at all touch the Problem of PvP Players using the Safezones to Protect their Harbors. This Change will result in a Loss of Players and Reduce the Playerbase further. Greetz Sun
  13. I havnt tested it yet. Cause well too far away lol But this is actualy what I tought as well. I think the PvP Patrols are not so much to cause Duels. But to Create a PvP Hotspot. Where People gather and do PvP. PvE Players can get PvP Marks by being in that Hotspot and have a way to get Rewards even if they never Win a Single PvP Fight. PvPers got an Area where they have a higher Chance of Finding Fights and Targets. At the same time as other PvPers will be there they will also find more actual PvP Targets In General its an attempt to recreate the Situation we had back in the Day. When every National Port would have Reinforcement NPC Fleets. Back then due to all Nation Ports being sort of Safezones. The Freeports were a PvP Hotspot. I think what they are trying. Is To Bring back this PvP hotspot by simply designating an Area as such an PvP Hotspot and giving Players Rewards for Playing there. Their other mentioned reason. To Teach Players that losing a Ship is not really a Problem. Is of course also included. But I think the Primary Target really is to get a PvP Hotspot Area where PvP happens. This is in fact also a Good Idea. Because in a PvP Hotspot you will always have more PvPers around. So forming a Ganking Group thats outside the Power level of what Random PvPers can Unite to Deal with is much harder. Current Problem is a Ganking Group cant be Beaten by the like 3 guys which do PvP in the port Attacked. And it would take an Hour to get People from other Ports. But with the PvP Hotspot. You can assume to always find enough PvPers in a short Distance around it. To go and Kill a Ganker Group. I really hope this Works. But Seriously. We need 3-4 of these Zones Spread on the Map. Nobody is going to Travel 1-2 Hours every Day to Follow these Zones....
  14. As Title says lol Seriously. I take a Patrol Mission. Want to go to the Patrol. And its Half the Map away. Its going to take me like an Hour or something just to get there assuming I wont be Intercepted. This aint going to Work. How am I supposed to get any Reward out of PvP if I first have to Drive an Hour to the Patrol Area which I will likely never even Reach lol
  15. Oh. So you did Listen for a Change. Too bad I didnt pay attention for the last Month. Well no matter. Its better to be Late than to miss it out entirely. I Greatly Approve of this Idea. This will Finally Give new Players some Options to actually Learn PvP and Participate in PvP without just constantly being Smashed down by older Players and never getting any Foot in the Door of the Game. I really Hope this System will be Increased and Supported Further. Greetz.
  16. I am not sure if I like the Idea of a Wipe or not. But regardless of that. I am not a Tester and dont do testing beyond just Playing. No Offense. But this aint an Open Beta test or something. Its a Game I Paid for to be allowed into Early Access so I will tolerate some Bugs as I play and give Feedback and Reports if I stumble over something or find something annoying. But I wont be going out of my way to Test things. For this they do have testers. Either Volunteers which hopefully at least got something ingame in Return. Or Paid Testers.
  17. I just read that on March 15 all old Redeemables will be Removed and that we should Claim them before that happens. Does that Include Forged Papers. And if Yes can we expect a Set of Forget Papers in a Chest to later Change Factions ? I am currently waiting with Changing Factions because on PvE Server there currently is no way to use the Admirality Store for the new Nations. Greetz
  18. This was actually more about PvE Engagements. Not about PvP Engagements. Funny but True. In a PvP Engagement if you get Sunk your Bots can Escape to the next Harbor without a care.....
  19. Mate no Offense. But you can Stick in your Insults right back into that Hole in your Rear where they came from. Your absolutely and clearly not someone on the PvE Server. I never saw or Read you there. And the way you Talk proves beyond doubt that your an PvP Player who consider the PvE Server an Hindrance. So again. Feel Free to Suggest this Rubbish for PvP Server. But stop with the meaningless attempt to Force People over to PvP Server.
  20. Pls note. I attacked this Fleet from Straight behind with Wind coming from Rear Right of my Ship. So the NPCs in essence had the Choice to either turn around Left or turn around Right to Face me. Take a Guess which Direction they Turned..... Sometimes I wonder if NPCs are Horny Cats. Scratch their Back and your going to see them Lift their Tail and Offer their Rear to you....
  21. Well Mate. I dont know if you Checked the Fleets Driving around there *gg* But if your in a 2nd Rate and get Jumped by an NPC Fleet with 6x 3rd Rates and 6-10x Frigates I would call this Ganking TLDR. Pls keep your PvP Suggestions on the PvP Server. As Part of the PvE Server Community I can Guarantee you we are not Interested in you trying to Ruin our Server.
  22. NPCs are Part of the Game. And thus Should be Expected to Work. Pls keep the PvP Discussions in the Appropriate Topics for that. Your Video aint Surprising Mate. Because currently NPCs have in Essence 2 Behavior Patterns. 1st. If they got a Bigger Ship (More Crew) than you. They will Sail Straight Broadside with you while attempting to creep closer and then turn into you to Board. 2nd. If they got a Smaller Ship (Less Crew) than you. They will on First Chance Break off from a Broadside Battle with you Facepalming right into the Wind.... I know that this behavior can be abused super easily to make the AI do exactly what you want. But thats exactly the Complaint here. I dont know if its a Bug. But the Behavior is very Annoying and gets extremely stale very fast if the AI does it constantly. Its almost always the same pattern in the Fight. If the Enemy Ship has less Crew than me. I will Pass him, Rake his Stern knowing he will turn away anyways. And after Raking his Stern I will Follow after him and Nosedive into the Irons so I can leisurely Broadside the Enemy Ship while Floating Backwards... If the Enemy Ship has more Crew than me. I will Pass him, And Hold my Fire till hes Aligned his Broadside knowing that he will turn onto me and go for a Broadside Duel. 1 out of 2. Extremely easy to abuse and very stupid to watch. Especially when more Crew does not Equal Superior Armor and Firepower. While I agree with some of the Named Notions. I would ask you to keep this Discussion out of this Topic. This Topic is for NPC Behavior and this Screenshot of mine was in Fact done on the PvE Server. So PvP Rewards and Discussion are an different and entirely unrelated Topic here
  23. Seriously. NPCs have always been Incredible Intent on constantly Sailing Straight with their Face into the Wind. For whatever reason they really Love to do just Turn away and Drive Straight against the Wind rather than trying any actual Maneuvers. And while the Breakdancing Ships are Funny for the First Few Engagements. When you have it constantly it becomes incredible Annoying. Seriously by Now most of my Engagements look like this. I am doing Broadside Battles with Enemy Lineships while both of us are Sailing Backwards at 4 Knots.... And this happens all the Time. Because the Moment I attempt to go Broadside with an Enemy Ship with the Wind blowing from behind. The NPC will after short time just Break out and Immediately Go Full Facepalm Mode against the Wind again.... I understand that its Importand to Break Broadside Engagements if the Enemy has an Superior Ship. But could we please Teach NPCs some Proper Sailing Maneuvers of how to do that WITHOUT Facepalming into the Wind and Breakdancing with the Ship in Reverse Mode ????? I mean seriously. There is alot of Naval Maneuvers available that should work for this and which NPCs could Pull off without Driving their Face straight into the Wind.
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