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  1. I PAID to help critique and revise YOUR alpha game. You don't want to listen, that's your choice. You won't have to worry about seeing me posting anything else on these apparently invalid forums. Keep all your 'yes men' around, it will make you feel happy as the product sinks.
  2. Self-exclamatory... All questions are about the changes in current form, unless otherwise stated. The question about what rank you are is just to get an idea if ppl who vote have been exposed to higher level combat as patch 9.8 seems to change higher tier ship combat more-so than lower. Edit: Added a question about combat preference, solo/group pve and pvp. Added option to question 3 for those who like new damage model over previous version but want it to be tweaked. Posted in wrong forum... Could a mod/admin move this to combat discussion?
  3. If I didn't know how old most of us were who play this game, I would think it was full of tweeners whose skin is way too thin. While I don't think any kind of IRL threats or open racism should be allowed on forums, why get so bent out of shape over someone gloating/calling you bad? Are we so new to the internet to call for this blanket censorship because other people won't make all of their posts 'Great fight, guys!' I personally don't think being a vile person is a great idea... but I also don't believe moderating out someone's comment because you don't think it fosters a good team spirit is the right call either. Some people are just so severely annoying you wish there were a way to relay just how much they annoy you. Is this somehow different from real life? These people aren't going anywhere but to shut down whole sections of a forum bc of it is, in my opinion, just as extreme.
  4. Time that could be spent figuring out how to make the game filled with action and attractive to more players is being devoted to ideas that, although they are cool in concept, really do nothing but add another layer of tedium to a game already full of it. I still have high hopes for this game but it seems to be going down the wrong road. Hope I am wrong...
  5. I completely agree, this will just be another aspect of the game that causes people to have to sail around finding crew when and where they can, burning up time for no other reason then its more 'historically accurate' and a way to balance nations. The more content that you add that makes this game more BORING/TIME CONSUMING will only increase the attrition rate of your player base. At some point you guys have to decide if you are making a game for only a few people who have way too much time on their hands(like me), or a larger portion of the gaming community. I would prefer the latter. Edit: Apparently just saying something is a bad idea without offering a solution is seen as counter-productive. My alternate solution would be to leave crew as it is because 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it.'
  6. At least we will have plenty of crafting hours saved up! =D
  7. WARNING: Unpopular opinion ahead! While I definitely enjoy the war and peace/political aspect of this game, I think we should all stop for a minute and think about what really drew people to this game in the first place before steam release... epic pvp battles without OW, nations/factions, and economy. It's not to say that people wouldn't get tired of a game that relied solely on the original, early Alpha of small, large and Trafalgar battles, but that it is initially what drew so many to it. When they decided to move in the direction where we currently are and released NA on steam, it was instantly popular and servers were growing in population for the first month or so following. Then we began to lose player base and are still seeing a number drop across all servers, even as people are migrating mainly to PvP1. So let's ask ourselves, what is causing us to lose players? So far, the most common reason I have heard is that the grind is just too monotonous because you basically have to do PvE to level. Were someone to solely PvP to level, it would take an extremely long time and be very expensive. I am sure there are other reasons but this seems to be the one that most people have a problem with: IT'S BORING! Now, I don't agree 100% with this statement. I have over 700 hours invested in this game and while it isn't always heart-pounding, I find things to do that I think are fun. However, I have way too much time on my hands and the enjoyment I get from exploring, PvE, PvP and doing economy keep me entertained. We have to realize people who read and reply on forums do not always represent the silent majority. Just having created an account to post on these forums speaks volumes on how seriously you take gaming and enjoy Naval Action. Not to paint with broad strokes, but this means you probably already lean towards the more in-depth aspects to the game bc you have the time on your hands to get involved. That being said, do the devs need to focus their energies on improving the War and Peace, etc. side of the game when all the people that are probably posting on these forums are ALREADY hooked on NA and will not be going anywhere anytime soon? I am not suggesting that this should not be a focus in later patches but I think for the time being the most important aspect to the larger community is keeping the game fast paced for those who don't have much time to invest each day. This is going back to what I wrote in the first paragraph, EPIC PvP BATTLES. We need them often and we need them balanced and a way to participate without waiting for 3 guys to decide when to buy a flag or tell the group to move out. People are probably assuming after the last paragraph that I mean port battles, IT DOES NOT HAVE TO REPLACE THE CURRENT SYSTEM. Please don't tell me that we already have the small and large battle screens, they aren't drawing the numbers that are needed to make the battles look like what people watch on youtube and lead them to buy this game. These battles should have some type of draw to them as well besides just being there to PvP. What I mean is they should mean something but not necessarily taking ports. It would be cool to make standings for each nation and have stats to show how many total ships have been lost or destroyed in battle since the system was created, total cost of losses, players with top kills/assists/damage and other things to spice it up. This would allow players something to brag about, tell their friends(drawing more ppl to the game), and generally have a more satisfying gaming experience that will cause a surge in server population and a more successful release, imho. (And if you didn't like that last sentence because you believe it will lead to elitism... take a look around, Wal-Mart has already sold out of rulers bc of the E-peen measuring). Crack wouldn't be nearly as popular a drug if it took 30 min for you to get high and it only lasted for 2 min and then you had to wait another 30 min to get that 2 min high again. GET PEOPLE HIGH FOR HOURS... metaphorically speaking. The rest of us still here are the ones who are addicted and need our fix regardless of what you do. I am sure plenty of people will disagree with me, but I am not suggesting a removal of any of this games existing components, only going back to its roots and adding new, quickly and easily accessible content that reflects those origins. There will still be an economy, port battles, politics, trading hubs, crafting, extremely fun 3 hour sailing times and who can forget our appointed(or self-appointed) kings and queens. IMHO, refining nations and politics should take the back burner for now until we stop bleeding massive amounts of players. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TL DR: Leveling is boring and tedious with a focus on PvE. Instead of focusing on the aspects which already are keeping the current player base, lets focus on what would have kept all those players we have already lost so quickly and help find new ones; a fast-paced, BALANCED, large scale pvp-driven alternative to the current slow paced gank fest that has become OW pvp and PB's that you probably don't have a large enough ship for(yes I know we have shallow water ports but again think time investment). This will make the game more fun for those who want action fast and keep people coming back for more.
  8. I realize what a difficult position the dev team has been put in between trying to appease the playerbase and continuing to refine/hone the final product that will be Naval Action. I get that you have read tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of comments and suggestions relating to this game. I hope the constant nitpicking (however well-intentioned or constructive it may be) and loss of playerbase has not discouraged you guys and that you realize how many of us have already come to love this game. Thanks for all your hard work and for making such a great game. I look forward to seeing the changes that will cause Naval Action to draw an even wider crowd and become a well-known title among the gaming community. Hats off.
  9. For now, PvP2 or GTFO =) I think the inevitable merge/server death is coming, but until then lets have some good fights and kill some shit. France/Britain/Americans/Pirates are all in the same area and if we fight over the same few ports around Haiti/Western Cuba/Jamaica/Bahamas should be some good times. Someone please ask the Dutch to get their asses in gear and move some big boats up here and join in the fun
  10. This is what I'm hearing 'It's easy to get lost in the sea of other Brit players on PvP1. It's nice to not be the leaders of the Brit Nation anymore because we were so embarrassed by how we were getting our asses handed to us after how much smack we talked. We liked Britain because it was easy mode; no one could zerg as hard as us or in big ships like we could and everyone thought we were pro. However, since other factions are now getting some numbers and showing the whole server how mediocre we are, we just want to save what little face Roberts hasn't already lost us by his teenage ravings, and leave. I mean, were we supposed to like, you know, get better or just have fun even if our strategic goals weren't met? Congratulate the enemy on a good fight? That's crazy talk. Obviously, our exit from PvP2 will go down as the most disastrous thing to ever happen in the history of NA... That's how awesome we think we are.' Did I miss anything? O yeah, bye Felicia.
  11. I was going to start a new topic on this but did a quick search and found this. Has there been any word on it or movement in this direction? Edit: It would also be cool to see some exceptional drops that aren't able to be crafted, ie Marines, Powder Monkeys etc.
  12. Considering moderators have not removed my post or suggested posting in a different topic, I am content to respond here. If you do make a topic and link it I would move to that thread. As to your assertion that defending players trying to intercept the flag would be tagged early, how is that any different from current mechanics? If a nation creates an assault fleet to take a port, they can already employ screeners to pull defending 'interceptors' into battle regardless if it is one or two or even 3 players. They only have to make sure that they are indeed far enough ahead of the main group so the attack circle does not pull them in as well. So as to this, I don't see a benefit one way or another to smaller nations from the current system. TBH, I think it would actually help smaller nations since the BR difference would no longer disallow pulling the flag carrier into a battle even if all of his allies are surrounding him. For your second point, what's so bad about people wanting to 1v1? AFAIK, this game isn't strictly a group or fleet pvp only game. Maybe with more 1v1 going on people would actually learn how to do it better as opposed to being part of blob warfare and not really honing their skills. However, that is taking what you said as a matter of fact rather than opinion. People already rush to join their side in Open Water when they are not auto-pulled into a fight in many instances, especially when looking for group fun. I don't agree at all that this would discourage people from group pvp, but that those who are already wary of it would still be wary and those who accept and look forward to group pvp would continue to join fights as is the current system. So, from looking at your examples, my suggestion to change the current system of auto-reinforcement would in no way negatively change PB or open water pvp except to eliminate exploits.
  13. Please explain to the difference between how the system in place currently helps smaller nations and clans? If you are going to say something is a terrible idea at least give a specific example that would take place that is different from the current one.
  14. Suggestion: Give players a rating based on their PB participation. Only players that have achieved X PB rating are able to purchase flags. Edit: This rating would be independent of each character owned under the same Steam Account, much like gold and other loot. For players who have reached this rating and still abuse the system form some sort of appropriate reaction. Maybe the port window timer is made available at all times for the next day/server cycle.
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