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About DeWoudt

  • Birthday 05/20/1987

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  • Location
    Zandvoort, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Playing guitar, sci-fi/fantasy books/films/series, Gaming

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  1. I can confirm this method of flag editing still works for the moment, just be aware of any patches as they might overwrite the file containing the flag texture. Never use a older sharedassets0.assets file to replace a newer patched one as it can have serious unforseen consequences. For example, when an update happened last week and I replaced it with one I though was current I had huge frame rate issues on the open world which immediatly disseared when I reverted back to the original file My question for @Charles Edward Stuart You happen to know where the DLC flags are located?
  2. Saint George, July 15th, Screening ----------------------------------------------- Ruatan, July 19th, Screening
  3. Shamefull display. Outragous! Cant believe we gave up quicker than the Brits. We dont even fight for our main crafting port, we just give it away because were tired
  4. What if this loophole was used by the main account of other people, as in, not an alt of some russian/pirate/french player, would you change your opinions? Would it make sense to change your opinion on the matter? I think not.. Some of you people here are trying to find a 'loophole' to ban the other people that are "abusing" / "exploiting" an existing mechanic that the devs forgot to take into account when making the fronline system. If I where to use my main account to abuse this loophole, would that make everything alright? I think not. Some here are defending the people abusing a loophole in the mechanic as if this would speed up or force the devs to change things faster.. which seems just as insane to me I would say however, abusing the loophole in the current hostility mechanics is testing the game in bad faith. As far as I know the bug/loophole/exploit was found, was then reported and was then not used by the initial reporting player. The devs see the report, will work on it. To keep abusing the mechanic like this under the guise of testing/forcing dev action is, I will say again, poor conduct and testing the game in bad faith.
  5. No love for this topic lately. Recently came back to the game. When I found out my favourite ship the Surprise is now a shallow water ship I couldnt wait to give it a go in the patrol zone
  6. You cannot compare current state of affairs with the how it was years ago. I think what Joint ment to say with "awesome" was when the VP had other nations leaders kowtow before DAS/BOAT. When you are discussing the fate of other nations in your own council meetings and decide to be magnanimous in victory, to spare the crafters and pve'rs the folly of their nations politics and therefore not 1-port a nation, thats awesome Now you dont even have the bay of maracaibo. I think we all miss the days when we had thousands of active players, just look at the state we're in now 😉
  7. Who ever even thought up the possibility of the Dutch allying with the French must be high out of his mind and not even considered the Dutch position on the matter. As the French are our mortal enemy favorite most hated beloved adversary I feel like I can speak for the entirety of DAS if not our great nation and say no thank you.
  8. When DAS reformed into the small clan it once was and now is again there's a reason why most of Squadron 6 did not join you after we've made the name which has now become abundantly clear for all to see. I kind of hoped most of us would rise above this kind of petty squabble. This entire downward spiral of bickering with each other is poor for the cohesion and cooperation between our clans and members of our nation. I wasnt there when this started, I have no clue what happened to cause this kind of rift between the clans but I still have hope we can overcome our dislike for eachother and still cooperate, if not in eachother fleet, at least in the grand scheme of things, for the good of our nation and the ruin of our enemies. You have a strange sense of humor Pellasgos but I at least respect your skills as an organiser and your ability to lead a fleet, although, I do dislike the constant CAPSLOCK in nation chat
  9. Funny Jorge, you cant really say that its "British helping the Dutch" when Spain is assaulting both our holdings in Panama & Columbia. Their help kicking Spain out of that region is as much self serving as it is helping us. The British 'help' on our western front is unfortunately not representative of the general help they give us on our eastern front.
  10. I've heared some traders are asking 2 to 4 labour contracts for these mythical special ships, though, this is only a rumor.. I havent seen one in any case, blueprints or ships
  11. I'll just quote myself from this topic.
  12. Our hearts go out to Belgium.If you are personally struck by this tragedy then you have my condolences and sympathy. However, this tragedy has no impact on most of the population of Naval Action. We, DAS, shall continue our war effort against the Swedish aggressor. I'd like to put some emphasis on Steel's remark here. There have been a number of tragedy's across the globe that we did not do this for. There are other, better ways to show your support and sympathy for Belgium if you'd want. Ingame, in Naval Action, is not the way.
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