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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2016 in all areas

  1. Hijos míos. Me ha contactado muy cabreado el Arzobispo Anglicano de Kingston/Port Royal para afear la conducta de unos Capitanes Españoles que el otro día tuvieron la osadía, el atrevimiento, la desvergüenza de atacar entre varios a un valiente y bizarro capitán inglés que navegaba con su pacífica e inofensiva surprise por aguas de Jamaica. Este aguerrido capitán de su graciosa Majestar, que para más señas se hace llamar Jack Aubrey, ha llevado su justísima reclamación a los tribunales del foro, en los que ha sido debidamente atendido y tratado el tema: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/17270-ganking/ En pro del espíritu de concordia y ecumenismo que me caracteriza, he decidido tomar cartas en el asunto, sobre todo, teniendo en cuenta que varios de los capitanes Españoles involucrados en el incidente pertenecen a mi casta, gloriosa y católica Órden Militar Naval de la Santa Hermandad. Los siguientes capitanes serán debidamente disciplinados, durante varios días y noches, en las celdas de castigo del Convento de las Hermanitas del Santo Mojito, donde las Hermanas disciplinadoras, bajo mi dirección, usarán en ellos algunas de mis técnicas favoritas de penitencia: SANTA HERMANDAD - Jefe de Escuadra Churruca - Brigadier RGS CORS - Jefe de Escuadra Corsario Rojo - Jefe de Escuadra Corsario Negro - Capitán de Navío Obokaman Espero que su merecido castigo sirva de ejemplo a todos los capitanes del Rey Nuestro Señor. Está muy feo hacer eso que llaman "gankear", cuando lo hacemos los Españoles. En el caso de los Ingleses, Holandeses, piratas y otras gentes de mal vivir que vienen a hacer lo mismo a las aguas de La Habana, es diferente, porque ellos son blancos, disciplinados, civilizados y siempre tienene la razón, no como nosotros, retrógrados, abusivos, cobardes y poco higiénicos Españoles que olemos a ajo y nos pasamos el día rezando el rosario. Las Hermanitas del Santo Mojito van a tener mucho trabajo, me temo. Aquellos capitanes que hagan examen de conciendia, tengan suficiente dolor de corazón, y arrepentimiento, y vengan a mí a confesar sus pecados cometidos contra los angelicales, purísimos y justos hijos de la Gran Bretaña, recibirán una adecuada penitencia en las dependencias del Convento del Santo Mojito. Arrepentiros de vuestros pecados, salvajes!!!! Amén
    1 point
  2. LOL, "in fact, a Dutchman was leading it" Yes, the devs need a live q&a session. Hope you feel better mate.
    1 point
  3. Bear in mind that this is testing. Once we go to release, there will be a wipe, so exploiting to get "things" isn't really rewarding in the long term just now.
    1 point
  4. Very funny you post this. We had an alt "discussion " on nation chat today. A few players who have OVER 10 alts talking to some of us who dont think alts are fair. Regardless of how you feel about alts think abkut this. If you think PAY TO WIN is not fair and equal gaming then you cant like alts. IT gives players who can steal moms credit card or people with extra funds a easy win. Many many many plyers find alts and faction jumping the biggest negitive to the long term success of this game. I definitely think its up there. If the admin is going to ask people to pay 40 bucks for a game be better hope they dont know anyone willing to just spend extra money will dominate them in all aspects (even combat because they will have better ships and mods and more of them) and could even talk them into trading away something to an alt who then steals it with no course of action to be taken because he simply changes his name. Pay to win is a crap game policy so the use of alts really pushes that limit.
    1 point
  5. I would like to see an option to lock the user interface. It is annoying to have the UI dragged around accidentally while panning the view.
    1 point
  6. they didn't log out as they sailed from saint marys 2 hours before port battle and got tagged outside savannah and stayed in battlescreen from that battle until pb was started and that's why they entered portbattle partly damaged and with less then max crew on some ships..
    1 point
  7. 1-3 IP addresses do not equate to a single computer. Network Address Translation (NAT) results in a pool of IP address representing a few, hundreds or thousands of computers. 4. Especially with the new patch, Alts can more accurately be called farmers. Harvesting wood or supplies to direct to the main. That would show at a minimum trades, sailing, shipping and crafting. The only way I see this working is keeping track of who they are trading with. If a midshipman with high level crafting has only been harvesting wood which he only trades with one person.....then maybe you have a link between the two accounts. But I still don't see that that makes them a spy....for sure. 5. Many players are not in clans. 6. over a few months? who has time to watch this? Not to be the pessimist but I don't think the DEV's have any motivation to stop people buying alts. Believe it of not the prime reason people go into a business is the make money. Should they not take the money for more accounts? Besides, what does it matter? Hostility is visible to every single player on the server. Port battle times are visible to every single player on the server. If you want to keep a secret, don't post it in nation chat.
    1 point
  8. Тут вопрос не во времени, а в количестве попаданий, было б неплохо , если написали кто сколько выбивал. Если все фрегаты успели углубиться в филейную часть, то ничего удивительного. Мы как-то с сориками дрались, фрегаты против двух рейтов, так вот они встали линией и отбивались буквой Г вполне неплохо, передний почти не страдал, а на корме у заднего была свалка фрегатов. Правда, они так и не отбились
    1 point
  9. Sorry dudes, I already have one job, which pays my bills, this game is slowly turning into being another job you have to spend too much time on without getting much back, other than killing lots of hours, but getting you nowhere, than wasting hours. Guys, try keep it simple! In my opinion you are overdoing a lot of things now, playing this game even now means hard work has to be carried out, which is ruining the fun. And the hard work that needs to be carried out in this game is not paying my bills. Crew cost a fortune, you lose shitloads of crew now in battle, back then a life was worth less than a plate of meat, try incorporate that! Officer loses lives, ok, I'm fine with that so be it, Now, to build a reasonable ship, that will take you a week, only to potentially lose it first time you leave harbor due to ganking squads from all nations including pirates haunting. Yes we all do it, fights have become 5vs.1 / 10vs.1or to or three (only PODW) fight outnumbered and do it good, the majority only fight when the odds are on their side meaning unfair fights. Having ships only only being available from special events, no thanks, let ships be hard to get blueprints for, but special events, NO! Take a look at the playerbase, Saturday night (Nov. 5th) a Saturday which should be primetime, there are around 645 people online on PVP 1.......that alone tells a story (NOTE! I was only logging in saw the numbers moved a ship, but lost interest fairly quickly again, and spend my time playing another game with a friend). Please guys this game has potential, but keep doing what you do now, this game will become at best, a niche, at worst, an abandoned failure. How I myself value a game is pretty straightforward. If I like a game and the play style, I keep playing it, if not I abandon it. So far only two games have kept my interest - both are MMO's, one is a game I have been playing since 2012, the other as a tester since 2015, I still play both of these games, however I doubt I will continue with NA....this game I only started playing since 2016 I was exited about NA at first, played it intensively for 6 months (Like I did with the other two games) but NA lacks something, to keep it interesting, and then again I refuse spending so much time as I have to do in NA, only to get very little in return, besides some great friends, which I also start noticing are away with longer and longer breaks in between now. To me NA looks like a game with no clear objective nor visions, there are no endgame, not even a hint about what an endgame could / should look like, nothing enhancing / promoting fair and intense fights, only rob and steal with little to no risk involved. Have to stop now, Already spent too much time again on this. My end comment: Sorry to see a beautiful game "slowly" or whatever, heading towards the trashcan.
    1 point
  10. This!. Seeing everyone, especially PVE casuals who never been in a PB or OW PVP battle sailing on Victories kills all game immersion for me. 1st and 2nd rates should be a rare sight. We should see more then 3-4 SOLs only in PBs. Most of the action in game should be done in Frigates as it were during real Age of Sail. As proposed long ago on PVP server sailing SOL should require captains commisions given for PVP points.
    1 point
  11. Some thoughts for the Devs from a Rear Admiral/Level 50 crafter on PvP1 who mostly plays for the pvp action fun: At its heart Naval Action should be adhering to some very simple principles and uppermost in it all should be the KISS principle. It appears you are turning people off to the game by getting ever more obtuse and pedantic about the minutae of the age of sail and the game's mechanics. Personally I love the game and will see it through to release and applaud many of the awesome mechanics and design you have developed so far. However here's some suggestions and some thoughts: 1. Players just want to have fun playing the game whether they are hardcore who play several hours per day, or the more casual player. The fun is getting hammered by you making the game ever more complex and time intensive; especially for the casual player. 2. Players just want to be able to build a nice ship and customize it a bit to feel it suits their purpose for why they are sailing out(battle vs boarding or a mix of both for example), or their style of gameplay (eg frigates vs SOL's). A straight forward Ship Upgrade slots system without RNG where each ship has 3 permanent and 5 regular upgrade slots on every ship will give players this flexibility. This creates a level playing field and gives players ample chance to customize their setup and feel happy and excited for what they have set up and done the work to achieve. I'm ok with fine woods being needed for exceptional quality ships but please get rid of the ridiculous RNG and make growing all these damn forest make sense to produce at least some fine logs per xxx number of regular logs. 3. Players ultimately just want to test their skills against other players (PvP) or Ai (PvE) and have fun doing it. Patch 9.96 has just taken huge time away from this to the more tedious side of the game. For most players the trading is a means to an end to be able to craft the ship they want. They don't want to spend 90% of their time doing it; they want to go out and have fun doing battle. And lets face it the Naval Action battles are awesome to look at and awesome to play! 4. Stripping away unnecessary ship quality levels is a good idea; Mastercraft(purple) particularly is redundant. However, if NPC are going to continue to produce Grey & Green ships I suggest keeping Blue too as this is a good first leg up for new players to cut their teeth on crafting and feel like they are progressing = fun = satisfied with the game. After that level i would bet most players then aspire to have the best they can so scrap Purple and make Gold ships something worthy to aspire to even if it takes some work ; whilst keeping in mind there needs to be a balance between how much grind it takes to get a Gold ship and not losing the fun/enjoyment in the game. It is a total falsehood to say that players do not build or use Green/Blue ships. I know many who use those as fleet ships. Personally i don't know anyone who bothers to build a Purple ship tho; they just move on to Gold! So maybe 3 levels: Grey/Green(NPC builds) or Blue(Player entry level crafting), Gold(Exceptional ships that take work/commitment to achieve). 5. Doing away with all Upgrade levels/colours is a bad idea. I'm sure I'm not the only one who can remember the thrill as a new player at getting a drop of a next level up colour upgrade after a good battle and feeling like you were starting to climb the "upgrade ladder", gave satisfaction to me while doing the grind in the game. As with ships, I think again it is the Blue upgrades that are the first level up for new players as they can find greens in shop so same argument as to ships for keeping them. Here again if there's one redundant one, maybe its the Purple ones because if you are at the point of being able to craft purple you will just hold on - build another note and have Gold BUT new players who don't have much gold will relish initially trying to get Blues to get started moving up i feel. As with ships, it is not fair to say no one uses different coloured upgrades; people use greens and blues on their 1 dura ships and fleet ships for a start. New players will use blues while the're getting started leveling up until they can afford to have better or join a clan and can get golds crafted. Many of us switch between using green/blue/gold marines depending on what ship we are sailing or what set up we're looking for. 6. Regional Bonuses for ship building are a great idea, creates diversity and drives mechanics of pvp to fight for control of a region 7. Adding other choices into the Trim menu ( or maybe one sub-menu?) of a ship build could be a great idea and I think players would welcome the flexibility to customize their build a little more BUT dont get too bogged down and keep it simple (KISS!!!) and straight forward. Keep choices limited in each menu/sub menu. And please don't allow ships to capsize - you will really piss off a lot of people who have just spent much time energy etc building their ship; its just not necessary in a game who's underlying principle should be that it is an environment where people can come together and test their skills and have fun playing the game either solo or with friends! I think a thread on suggestions of development of Trim menu or sub menu possibilities might be a good idea! Thats my initial thoughts, may come back and edit if I think of some more. Overall I applaud you for creating a beautiful looking game that its just awesome to play, particularly in battle instance which is incredible BUT please KISS and keep it fun for us all to keep coming back for more!
    1 point
  12. What cases? It's hard to do without varying wind strength or some randomized gusts and squalls. Really bad heel and vertical dispersion of guns could be a substitute.
    1 point
  13. some quality differences will remain depending on crafter - but we are not satisfied with current system. Also remember that some systems in EA were added to speed up testing - people just got used to them (for example teleport to capital - or ship transfer to outpost from combat) wipes always tank player count - as a project reality developer you might know it well. also regional bonuses will remain.. so you did not move outposts etc in vain.
    1 point
  14. 10 mins later... http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/228949185002614745/D2229848AC358CFD1A1720A1DBCA6DE0B20CA8EA/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/228949185002615202/8097AE575F9A7E3C1A8E3FE114AC4039256B6F83/
    1 point
  15. As said before, if there are exceptional ships everyone will want them. Get rid of different qualities altogether.
    1 point
  16. the problem is this. The color grade system became a fake feature. in ea we have decided to provide all levels of ships for all players, with relaxed funds (easy to make money) and several tools to make testing easier. Players have got used to that (anchoring effect). As a result 3 quality levels became fake features. You only sail grey or green ships that you buy or capture from NPCs or you sail a Exceptional vessel. Blue and Purple level of quality is a fake feature - it exists but no-one uses it. For example medkits are not a fake feature - some people might not like it but many use it. Smuggler is not a fake feature, everyone uses it from time to time. Blue and purple ships became a fake feature and most likely have to be removed as all attempts to make it work will still make players chase the exceptional ship.
    1 point
  17. Я уже не про реальное время) Я про саму концепцию крафта. На данный момент у нас все на крафт часах завязано, но тут много не логичного, а не логично то, что при такой системе крафтит как бы сам капитан, потому что это его часы и они вообще не зависят от того, сколько у капитана верфей, плантаций и прочих производственных зданий) А такая зависимость должна быть. На 3х верфях я определенно построю больше судов чем на 1й. На 5 плантациях я выращу и соберу больше леса И все эти производства должны работать потому что я за них плачу, а не потому что я сам собираю пеньку или строю корабли, а потому что я наладил такое производство Я уже не говорю о качестве налаженного производства, так как хорошо оснащенная верфь не только сможет строить бОльшие суда, она так же сможет производить меньшие суда быстрее, чем плохо оснащенная И в итоге у нас ограничений больше чем возможностей, а именно: Мы ограничены в количестве аутпостов в которых строим производственные здания Мы ограничены в количестве производственных зданий на которых мы собираем ресурсы Мы ограничены в количестве ресурсов, которые добываем тратя крафт часы Мы ограничены в количестве крафт часов Предлагаю ввести несколько иную систему, а именно: У нас так же 5 слотов под производство Все производство делится на добычу\переработку\постройку Добывающие здания это: -плантации -лесные угодья -шахты -прочее Тут мы ограничены не крафт часами, а количеством ресурсов, которые может выдать производство в сутки. Улуччшение производство увеличивает лимит Перерабатывающие здания это -деревообрабатывающий цех -металлолитейный цех -ткацкий цех Тут у нас на каждое здание имеется свой запас крафт часов. Улучшение производства снижает затраты на переработку. Расширение производства увеличивает лимит крафт часов Верфь -Строит корабли -Улучшает корабли -Исследует новые технологии -разрабатывает чертежи новых кораблей Тут у нас так же запас крафт часов свой на КАЖДУЮ верфь. Улучшение производства снижает затраты на переработку. Расширение производства увеличивает лимит крафт часов Конечно те же ядра, только сбоку, однако такая система более приятна глазу, нынешняя система все же плосковата на мой взгляд((
    1 point
  18. Ahoy fellow Captains, I've been away for a while but recently come back in a more time-limited capacity. I see there's a few new ships and there have been a number of tweaks to previous ships, etc. For this reason I've knocked together a broad comparison of ships in Naval Action looking at some fundamental statistics for each ship. Here is a link to the actual comparison chart. And here is a link to the discussion on reddit, such that it is at present. For the sake of those of you who don't use reddit so much I'll copy my comments from the above post below the following (hopefully) embedded comparison chart: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ships of Naval Action Introduction I've spent some time away from the game and have recently picked it up again in more limited spare time. With a fair deal of recent updates and tweaks, I thought I'd knock together a quick graph comparing the ships of Naval Action and give a few comments on balance. I wrote a lot about the need to nerf the Rattlesnake after she was launched, together with a whole load of other folks, and am happy to see that her stats have been brought down a bit for the sake of balance. Please note: I'm not writing this because I necessarily want anything to change, I haven't played enough recently to know whether that is entirely necessary or not. However, I note that there is still an absence of decent documentation comparing the various ships in Naval Action quantitatively, and because I work a lot with quantitative data I find it quite fun to make graphs and analyses such as these! So yeah - I'm not writing this to complain or even suggest anything about balance - it's just here to help folks understand the variation in ships. Also, if someone does wish to make a point about balance or the merits of any ship, this may serve as the foundation for a discussion. Balance is notoriously difficult to discuss objectively because everyone has favourite ships, personal anecdotes, particular skills and tricks such that consensus is very hard to reach. Hence my intention with the graph above is primarily to illustrate the variation among ships for players and grant a decent overview and secondarily to give anobjective foundation for a potential discussion on balance. Naturally you can't present every variable of a ship in one graph so I have attempted to focus on the most relevant ones and portray them in an easily understandable way. Methods Before discussing the graph above, here's how the various qualities were measured/calculated (you can skip to the TL:DR of the methods section if you're not interested): Gunnery was calculated using two equally weighted factors; DPS and total damage per broadside. This was calculated using a loadout of medium cannons. For both of these factors, each ship had its value divided by that of the average of all ships, giving the fraction of the average that this ship scored. From these scores 1 was subtracted so that a ship with the same score as the average of all ships would have 0. The two scores (DPS and broadside damage) were then combined and divided by two producing the value you see on the Y axis in the graph above. This means that a ship with a score around -0.5, like the Snow, has 50% weaker guns than the average in Naval Action while a ship with a score nearer 1.0, like the Bucentaure has 100% more powerful guns than the average, i.e. double. Resilience was calculated in the same manner as Gunnery, above. However here the two equally weighted factors were armour thickness and structure. So a ship with a score of 0 along the X axis has a resilience equal to the average of all ships, while a a ship around 0.5, like the Bellona, is considered 50% more resilient. Speed is simply the maximum speed of the vessel and gives the colour of the markers in the graph. Blue is slow and Red is fast with a gradient in between. Best Point(s) is a measure of which point relative the wind a ship is at its fastest. Some ships have multiple points at which they can reach their maximum speed. The value of this parameter gives the shape of the markers in the chart. Circles are most common as most ships sail their fastest around point 135 (sailing at a broad reach). TL:DR: The X axis is resilience (a measure of how tough the ship is), the Y axis is gunnery (a measure of how strong the ship's guns are), the colour of the markers gives speed (check the chart top right) and the shape of the markers give the point relative the wind at which the ship sails its fastest. Limitations Naturally this set up leaves out a number of factors. Firstly, gunnery-wise, some ships are set up to carry heavier carronades than others - these details are missed when all ships use medium cannons. Connected to this is the issue of penetration; some ships can carry heavier guns with higher penetration scores, these subtleties are also not captured by the above graph. The presence or absence of bow chasers and stern chasers is not addressed. Nor is the crew complement required to fully work a broadside of guns. Etc. Basically, the gunnery score is a very straightforward measure of damage output capability and does not take into account many of the subtleties of naval combat (some of which I discuss in my gun guide - note that this guide contains slightly outdated statistics, but the principles therein remain true). Secondly, resilience-wise, all ships have their default values (which are later modified by wood type), which is worth remembering as this affects both structure, armour thickness and speed. Sail strength and mast thickness are not taken into account. Factors potentially important in combat such as the degree to which a ship heels, its dimensions, crew, gun positioning, etc. are also not taken into account. Also not that turning rate is not included in the analysis. Finally, in terms of best point(s), bear in mind that ships each have their own sailing profiles (most of which I have detailed in my ship guide - note that this guide may contain slightly outdated information in other respects). These differences in sailing qualities mean that two ships both being fastest at point 135 may yet have very different capabilities at other points. For example, the Constitution reaches maximum speed around point 135 but sails at 84% speed at point 90, while Le Gros Ventre reaches maximum speed also at point 135 yet sails at 96% speed at point 90. It is useful to be aware of these details as they allow slower ships to escape from certain faster ones by using their best point of sail (I have previously made a chart illustrating this; my escapomatrix). Unrated Vessels It is very clear that the Rattlesnake Heavy far outclasses all other unrated vessels in terms of resilience and gunnery. The extra guns per side (totaling 13 a broadside) really tell. Likewise, both her structure and armor thickness are higher than all other unrated vessels. Her DPS is in fact higher than the Cerberus, although this is due to both having 13 guns of different sizes. The 9-pounders of the Cerberus have a higher damage per broadside (and indeed penetration) while the faster reload of the 6-pounders aboard the Rattlesnake Heavy translate to a marginally higher DPS. The Rattlesnake remains the fastest square-rigged unrated vessel despite her top speed being strongly nerfed. TheLynx is the fastest unrated vessel but perform best at points 45 or 90. The only ship that performs best at point 45 alone, the Privateer, is here shown to be slightly more resilient than the Cutter and Yacht but clearly less resilient than the Pickle. All these ships have the same armament and hence score the same in terms of gunnery. The square-rigged unrated vessels have seen changes increasing their balance; the Niagara and Brig, both faster than the others, represent ships focusing more on gunnery and resilience, respectively. Similarly, the Snow compares in the way to the Navy Brig and Mercury, offering a focus on gunnery over their focus on resilience. The potentially most problematic unrated vessels are the Rattlesnake and Rattlesnake Heavy. The Rattlesnake being still very much faster than the other ships of her class (and indeed in possession of bow chasers) and the Rattlesnake Heavy being faster, more resilient and more heavily armed than all other comparable ships. Indeed it is difficult to see any drawbacks to her other than a potentially (and presumably) prohibitive cost. Frigates Unsurprisingly the Cerberus and Renommee group as light frigates, the former mostly due to its smaller size and crew capacity and the latter due to its massive tradeoff in favour of speed over resilience and gunnery. The Surprise is the only ship which excels at both point 90 and 135, but pays the price of this perk by being significantly weaker in terms of resilience and gunnery to the other frigates. Around the origin of the graph there is a cluster of fifth-rate frigates. The Essex, Frigate (and pirate version), Belle Poule and (tentatively) the Santa Cecilia all represent various points along a number of tradeoffs, chiefly between resilience, personified in the Belle Poule, and gunnery, personified in theSanta Cecilia. Naturally a number of subtleties also differentiate these ships such as the Essex's ability to carry far heavier carronades than the others. However I will not discuss these at great length here but instead just note on a good balance between these ships. The Trincomalee stands in a class of her own, however, being faster, stronger and more well-armed than any of the other frigates. It is very clear from her position in the graph above why she is so often the favourite of Captains in Naval Action. The Constitution represents the super-heavy frigate of the game. She is in fact more resilient than the 4th rate Ingermanland, yet not as well-armed. Slower than the other frigates, but still faster than ships of the line, it is clear from the graph above just how much more powerful she is to the other frigates. Ships of the Line The Indiaman, though not really a ship of the line, stands out in the graph above because of her slow speed (blue colour). Although her gunnery score is merely on par with a Renommee, it is worth noting that she is more resilient than a Trincomalee, even though she is far more fragile than even the weakest 4th rate ship of the line; theIngermanland. The Ingermanland has a slightly lower damage output than the other 4th rate; the Agamemnon, although bear in mind that she carries 32-pounders in her lower gundeck compared to the slightly smaller 24-pounders of the Agamemnon. The slightly higher penetration that this affords her is arguably not worth the much lower resilience and lesser speed compared to the Agamemnon. Besides being the clearly fastest of all ships of the line, the Agamemnon can even outpace the Constitution, Santa Cecilia, Frigate and Pirate Frigate. She can even catch Le Gros Ventre and the Indiaman (on her best line). The 3rd rate ships of the line are represented by the 3rd Rate and Bellona. Despite appearing very similar, these two ships have subtle differences. The Bellona has higher damage per broadside (and indeed penetration) on account of carrying 32 pounders in her lower gundeck while the 3rd Rate has higher DPS on account of carrying smaller 24-pounders. The Bellona is also more resilient than the 3rd Rate with significantly higher structure. Of the two 2nd rates, the Bucentaure trumps the St. Pavel in all respects. She is faster (and turns faster), has more and more powerful guns, and is more resilient. The three 1st rates are similar, yet L'ocean and Santisima Trinidad are both more heavily armed than the Victory, although it is worth mentioning that the Victory has 12-pounders on her uppermost battery compared to the 9-pounders of the others. However, the far increased firepower of L'Ocean andSantisima Trinidad ultimately come down to their much greater number of guns. In terms of resilience, the Victory andSantisima Trinidad are essentially equal, while L'Ocean has an edge on both in terms of structure. Speed-wise, the three of them are all slower than every other ship, with the Victory being the slowest of all. Conclusion The graph above is an attempt to visualize the variation in ships of Naval Action according to some key characteristics. While the statistics used in no way fully define each ship, they should give a good indication of their general strengths/weaknesses/role and provide sufficient objective foundation for Captains to find a ship that suits them as well as for potential discussion on ship balance. Personally, I feel there are a few instances where, sadly, one ship is simply a more powerful option (almost or completely across the board) compared to others. In other words, the only reason not to opt for these vessels would be price. Whether that is a good thing or not depends on your take on design. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing some form of trade-off adjusted or introduced to make their counterparts more viable or vice versa. These are: The Rattlesnake Heavy, which trumps all other square-rigged unrated vessels in all regards. The Trincomalee, which is superior to all other fifth-rate frigates in essentially all regards. The Agamemnon, which is far superior to the Ingermanland. The Bellona, which is simply better than the 3rd Rate. The Bucentaure, which beats the St. Pavel in every regard. What do you guys think? Best Regards to all my fellow Captains!
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