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  1. After "Official Release" and patches, do you intend to continue to develop and expand the game? or will the final release be a mostly feature finished game?
  2. This is what ADMIN wrote in this post page 1 My dream ROE would be an instance that stays open for 15 with an ever expanding reinforcement ring as time progresses, that also includes land, however apparently admin states that there will/may be a problem if land is near by.
  3. Now I do not mind the return of the 2 minute timer if the reinforcements came in the distance and had to sail into battle, but admin stated that for this to happen they would have to remove land from battles, I much prefer the current system, that is for sure, and keep the land in the battle instance.
  4. In general the main people who enjoyed the old timer system were those who sailed in fleets of 3 or more with smaller ships running in advance to draw players into combat. In my opinion the old system works in a modern age space combat game, where your reinforcements can warp on top of the target once combat has engaged but in an age of sail game where speed and maneuvering are important it does not. The funny part is that the current ROE extend out to the two minute mark drawing in ships that would have been able to join under the old system, therefore the only advantage of the old system was the fact that your reinforcements could warp onto the target/targets once in the instance.
  5. Time acceleration only works in single player games. As for the new Content Patch... My only fear is that having a PvP zone will draw in players only at the active time and only to that designated spot. Imagine the ganking fleets hovering around the PvP zone, not to mention that PvP will barely exist anywhere else on the open world except around this predesignated zone.
  6. While I love the thought of a completely open world - It always ends up coming down to game design to drive PvP. If special PvP instances have to be added in the open world then so be it. However I think the "PvP Challange zones" should be located randomly around the map every few week or more, to change things up, one dedicated zone that never moves will get old quickly.
  7. When the game finally converts to the new two crafting qualities, as mentioned by Admin, they can always decrease the requirements of common ships allowing them to be built faster and use less resources, therefore less sailing for crafters and better prices for buyers, its all numbers and tweeking them is possible.
  8. I don't think you will see such a huge advantage of Exceptional ships, I believe they will be tweeked to only provide a small advantage (such as more upgrade slots), most likely they will come with their own disadvantage such as 1 durability.
  9. Quoting myself from another post... When the game finally converts to the two crafting qualities, as mentioned by Admin, they can always decrease the requirements of common ships allowing them to be built faster and use less resources, therefore less sailing for crafters and better prices for buyers. Remember the intent is for the majority of ships to be common (lower) crafted with very few ELITE master-craft ships sprinkled around for those with the time or money. The Master Craft ships would be for those willing to take the time and money needed to craft them, this is creating an every day ship market with an endgame ship market. While in the real world, the quality is more dependent on the shipyard and materials used such as the current game version has. I doubt shipyards built bad ships and really good ships in the manner that the game currently works, warships were just too expensive to build in the real world.
  10. This system will just end up with blobs of players camping and sitting in front of a port. On the other hand, I feel that if you come within visual distance of any enemy port that enemy port should report your sighting to the nation. Maybe enemy AI ships once they pull into a friendly port can also report your position.
  11. People forget that to maintain any basic form of reality to the age of sail there can only be two types of fleets and they work with the current ROE. 1. Scout Fleet - Fleet stays separated to cover large amounts of ocean, with the side effect being that engagements will be with smaller player numbers as not all ships will be able to join the battle due to the distance. 2. Firepower Fleet - The Fleet sails together to make sure that all members join the battle instance together and in good locations, allowing the fleet to utilize its organization and fire power at the expense of no longer being able to cover huge amounts of ocean. Can you mix the two types of fleets? to an extent Yes, but you have to always realize that any time you spread out to cover more ocean you may end up in a battle with limited reinforcements its the nature of the age of sail. Unfortunately I have realized that the development of this game has finally reached a point where casual play with a stable game world is not really possible because the game changes and is modified at such an accelerated state. All game mechanics will continue to change as the games content continues to expand. It is the ROE that gets the blame while its truly the fault of the ever expanding and of course unfinished mechanics which are truly to blame. That is the nature of game development I fear.
  12. You can have a battle timer open for 5 min... but those reinforcing ships better arrive in the instance, in the distance with 5 min sailing time to reach the battle. No one wants reinforcements dropping in on top of them like some SciFi hyperspace jump. That was the original problem. If I am not mistaken, the Devs mentioned that because land is currently in the battle instances that they can not push reinforcements out into the distance because people would spawn on land inside the instance.In addition, the Devs also mentioned that they would have to get rid of land inside the battle instance, which NO ONE wanted, in order to fix the issue. Due to this, the large battle circle was born. Also in response to the 5 minutes, I don't think any one truly realizes how far 5 min in the open world is. It encompasses an insanely huge area.
  13. The issue is that this is not space combat where a small interceptor is able to "warp disrupt" a lone ship, which then allows a larger fleet to warp into its location to finish it off. If you are having issues getting your fleet into combat then you are sailing the wrong ships. Try sailing smaller faster ships, and stay close together. Remember there is no real way a large fleet of large ships would ever be able to catch a smaller faster single ship. However it was possible in the age of sail for a fast ship to pick off fleet members slowly by choosing his engagement wisely and only engaging ships from the fleet that were too far away to be helped. If you read stories of combat during the age of sail it was quite common for fleets to be spread out enough that when one of the ships of the fleet engaged the enemy, it would be a one on one battle, with reinforcements very far away. The purpose of the fleet is to be able to scan a large portion of ocean not necessarily to focus firepower. If focusing firepower is what the purpose of the fleet is, then it would sail together in close formation. Now I am not gonna deny that the wipe will lower all around game time for many, however there are indeed some quirks to the current mechanics that must be fixed and slowly ironed out, but the major portion of the game is not broken at all in my belief.
  14. As for ammo I think having ammo amounts could be an issue. People will either carry as much ammo as possible or battles will end when everyone is out of ammo. Maybe ball should be unlimited and all other ammo types can be loaded in desired quantities with wight penalties as needed. This will also stop the whole having to always buy ball when you dock to refill ball ammo, which will get very annoying after a short while.
  15. This is exactly what is needed for crafting. With the new system you will be able to craft ships that you want with explicit Bonuses and De-buffs applied dependent on how the ship is crafted not some arbitrary tier system. I craft all the time, and I have to agree there is no reason to build a ship if its not the lowest grade or the highest. We might see some mid level ships here and there, but I am sure that they are very far and few in between because there is no reason to craft them. To a crafter 3-4 extra notes to upgrade a ship is peanuts to the value of the ship. Why do we have to have some arbitrary color code when you can simply look at the stats of the ship like every other game I play, in fact you will probably find more variability in the ships at market with the new system. The color tier system is a left over relic from when the game was mostly played by capturing ships, where their color was determined by a roll of the dice. I also like the idea of building specialty ships that take lots of time to craft, this give crafters some goal to aim for in the long run. My hope is that we can turn to a one durability system now where you can sell your ship Crafted or Captured on the market as it should be which also promotes capturing vessels. There was a time in NA when you could basically only sail capture ships because the market was very expensive, and I must say, I never had a difficult time moving up in ship types with those mechanics.
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