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Everything posted by Lannes

  1. Liquicity is good! I was in a fight against him recently. His shooting raking my ship was phenomenal. I have to learn (1) how to get on to someone's stern quickly and stay there; (2) how to fire accurately while raking. I seem to have mediocre results when I do.
  2. I agree, The Spud. It's good that the Devs are back-tracking and putting back playability.
  3. I think it is a delayed reaction from previous patches and all the build-up of criticism of the game. The sooner stability is reached, the better.
  4. After the wipe: 'Only xp and crafting xp will be saved.' What about rank? Will Rear Admirals be sailing Cutters initially?
  5. A Communication Officer would be useful, Devs, to tell us when hotfixes and patches are coming, or are tentatively scheduled to come--and anything else that needs to be shared with the community. It is the respectful thing to do, and a useful thing.
  6. YOU ALREADY KNOW WHY THERE IS LESS PvP! You just don't listen. There is less PvP because (a) quality ships are too valuable at present to risk, because (b) crafting them is too laborious and / or costly, because (c) getting resources and materials has become an almighty grind. This aside, it seems like a good new element to the game.
  7. I am too busy doing things that I like to give you a detailed analysis of what you do that makes things worse for a game that has been superb until your constant changes destroyed its phenomenal playability potential. I have from time to time made general suggestions and comments, but know that your interest is not in listening to me or others who have the same views as mine, so I have despaired. I wish you luck and hope that the game on release will be a lot better than it is now, and that it will have reached its potential by chance if not by your efforts.
  8. ~ You should do better to either post something worth or not at all. ~ ~ Same advice goes for all ~ the Moderation Team
  9. Find it difficult to navigate at first sight. Not as able to be taken in all at once. Cannot find my signature. I'm sorry but it's not an improvement, IMHO. BUT, it is in keeping with the way the devs are going.
  10. I for one have no wish to sail a 1st or 2nd Rate beyond the gifted Bucentaure. I get most pleasure sailing frigates and 4th Rates.
  11. "Players cannot be left with a sandbox on the assumption they will use it to go have fun in. Players are mostly idiots. If you want them to have fun you must devise systems that drive them into each other. These systems need a reasonable level of complexity, I think, but should be intuitive." I know, you guys are time wasters and control freaks who think everyone SHOULD play like you do. You have no sense that out there is a multiplicity of views and game preferences. When I pay for a game, I don't want someone to tell me how to enjoy the game, as if he has the answer to my life and enjoyment. Why, do you want to control this part of my life only, or all of it? That sort of megalomaniac narcissism makes communication painful. I give my opinions in order to broaden the scope of possibilities, not narrow them.
  12. I don't know why people worry about pirates having the whole range of vessels. A pirate is first of all a wargamer who wants to get the full benefits of the game like everyone else. I think pirates should have all the ships available.
  13. Here's how you fix wasting time travelling. Go back to how things were before travelling and complicated crafting were implemented. Or, KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid.
  14. My suggestion for restricting Ships-of-the-Line that is quite uncomplicated and does not need the imposition of many complex and convoluted changes, which make life hard for players and reduce the playability of the game, and is like trying to fit round pegs in square holes. Now, we have to sail to remote places wasting good playing time, looking for rare materials and using up time crafting complicated blue prints. Many players, including myself, are fed up. No complicated and destructive patches needed. For ranks, I am going to use the British nomenclature. 1) 3rd Rate: requirement is Commodore rank, 800 men. No lesser ranks allowed to sail it. Only one per player. 2) 2nd Rate: Rear Admiral, 900 men. No lesser ranks allowed to sail it. Only one per player. 3) 1st Rate: Vice Admiral, 1,000 men. No lesser ranks allowed to sail it. One per player. 4) Super 1st Rate: Admiral, 1,100 men. No lesser ranks allowed to sail it. One per player. This is simple and should be simple to implement. I have seen 1st Lieutenants trying to sail the gift Bucentaure! It is ridiculous. My preference is that a ship level be tied to a rank.
  15. I am trying to delete one of my albums in my signature and I get a message 'Sorry, you don't have permission to do that.' As far as the images are concerned, I can't delete those either.
  16. Lannes

    French flag

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