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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2017 in all areas

  1. well, seems i am the only stupid who was used to move mats and lose hours in crafting journeys to get his ships and modules here... so sad :'(
    8 points
  2. Вот мы тут обсуждаем прочки, рейты, урезания того или иного класса. Но представьте как все может измениться, если из игры убрать производство товаров портом=ботами. Вот это будет реальное производство, т.к. ресурсов будет резко не хватать. Строить рейты нужно будет с учетом клановой добычи. И тут уже возможно никаких искусственных урезаловок не понадобится. Я думаю даже вопрос про 1 прочку для всех кораблей перестанем поднимать ))). И запоем песню "Дайте рейтам хотя бы 3 прочки".
    6 points
  3. When I first started playing Naval Action around a year ago, I could see its potential for being something really special. The game looks bloody gorgeous and the battle mechanics (on this day) are just amazingly good fun. The sad case of facts today is, the game isn't being played like a simulation, it is being played like an arcade shooter. It is a bunny hopping quake fest, with all the players looking for the quick cash in. Upgrades, power ups, what ever you want to call them, masses of ships magically being brought to battle, doesn't help. What happened to the sense of adventure, go which ever way the wind blows and explore? Take in a "one on one" or a "two on two". Nah, what we have is game exploits and mechanics manipulation. The reason why it isn't looking so good in the numbers playing is because a single gaming style is being forced on all. Some of us like a more relaxing experience rather than the lets kill anything that moves kinda mentality. The majority here are still here because they like this style of play, but those who don't, have already left. I hope there is some middle ground, where both styles can co exist, or all that will be left are those who are here now.
    5 points
  4. French have problem to exploit bug... We find the TP in duel bug 5 days ago after have seen brits fleet tp to caracas, we saw duplicate mod after it was finish and now that... It's sad to know we have face duplicate ship with duplicate modules that were tp in duel when we have had to craft our ships, risk our modules and finally sails to the port to fights...
    5 points
  5. RCB recruited three new players last weekend, one a returning player the other two are brand new accounts. Mostly going to be doing PvE until they get the hang of things and level up a bit. To help us keep these players interested in the game, can you please consider letting us attack OW fleets together. As it stands on the PvE server, only one player at a time can take on an AI fleet unless the BR is stupidly stacked in the AI's favour. Training new guys up takes a lot of effort and it would be better for PvE clans if we could attack NPC fleets in groups. Missions are fine and all that, but some of the locations are just such a waste of time. A lot of our players have left since the group cant attack AI fleets, so how about it? It used to be a lot of fun, so can we have it back?
    4 points
  6. I can't think of too many better ways to get people to give up and quit. The better solution, offered many times, is to make total conquest an increasingly difficult and uphill task, exponentially more difficult even, to borderline impossible. The more you conquer, the more it costs you, the more players and gold are needed to maintain what you have and/or move forward, the harder everything is.
    4 points
  7. This is a pretty good suggestion in my book. I'm sure it was locked down on PvE due to mechanics and abuse potential. I'll bring it up with Admin. Thank you.
    4 points
  8. Signal proposal: 1. Cost three officer points 2. Leaves instance open for forty minutes.
    4 points
  9. My PoV of Ays. Even though we only had 24 (again our 25th was unable to join because of a bug), and one of us was in a green fir Constitution, we were able to get a glorious victory. Only one loss, which happened to be the fireship:
    4 points
  10. Next patch is looking great.
    4 points
  11. Respectfully, You must play a little closer attention to what has been said in the many arguments above. The US has not complained about day flips other than to point out the hypocrisy that has been shown over "night flips". We have been called abusers, exploiters etc because we schedule PBs at our time which is inconvenient to Euros while they schedule PBs at their time which is inconvenient to the US. Its just shear hypocrisy and that is what you find the US complaining about. Just remember that at one time there was only one server. There was no NA server. When multiple servers were built, those on the original, for good reason, wanted to stay on the original and we did and it was a good choice because pvp2 looks boring. The name EU was given to pvp1 at that point. I do understand your perception about EU server verse NA server but it is a misconception. The servers were created in different areas of the world for ping purposes but we don't have any issue with ping on the EU server. It was always meant to be a global server and even Ink's message said it would return to one. They specifically said in past posts that the server names had nothing to do with who the servers were for. I think the argument that you made that was fair was when you said that you can't change servers. This is true. Only one server has a player base that plays during your timezones and that is the EU server so I agree that you cannot move as you would find yourself in the same position. Well, I guess there is the Chinese you could fight. But why does people moving have to be the only option? Why can't one of the myriad of ideas that have been posted be used so that we truly can have a global server? Is it because you have become so convinced of your own ownership of this server that you expect others to change to suit your needs, or because you have lost faith in the devs to actually input a solution to the mechanics that would prevent night flips?
    4 points
  12. Time to start another ship, this time the HMS Barfleur (1768), a 90 gun second rate (later 98) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Barfleur_(1768) Took a while to create some clean plans from the ones I found (the best was distorted and the others were very low quality). Just blocking in the shape at the minute using the original plans (2 tier stern gallery) but will modify this to have the actual 3 tier stern gallery that it was built with
    3 points
  13. A way to end all the bitching was already thought of long time ago and was almost implemented with nation reset. Winner and Losers one nation could take over another Nation. To this Day I do not understand why this was not done. Think about it for a Min you lose all your other county's then you lost your capital City you were absorbed into the Nation that defeated you or you could just re roll into the other Nation. When it got down to 2 put a timer on it like 8 weeks who ever has the most county's.... Wins. Then reset map or everything don't really matter.. bam easy, 1/2 the server get something epic for winning. And go at it again, It would never be the same and always insane Side NOTE: But the 2 Things I would do different than from what it is now, If you captured a Nation you get 1/2 their possible Port battle they can have so now you can Have 3 scheduled port battles. Getting them all would cause a Zerg.(Round up so the larger Nation that have already absorb one or more and has 3 or 4 you could get 2, kinda Protects smaller nations, people are greedy and it keeps a Balance with the force) The other is when you got someone down to 5 or 3 ports The porst would have 5 or 7 xtra AI of that Rate, BUT, on the Capital City battle give an xtra 10 AI 1st Rates(Should be a 1st rate battle anyways), the Capital Battle would be 35 Ver 25 and No Timer and make it a Death match(Have to figure out the Running off to lala Land problem tho, but this Game Loves Circles). Even BLACK in its hayday would think twice. But omg it would be so EPIC, on such a grand Scale, this game has Never Seen before. I have some ideas that would make your head spin that would never get implemented but are cool to think about. So in Other words your nation gets a beat down and US absorbs you, your nation lost that war, but not necessarily the world war, It would put Fighting(PVP), Tatics(PVE combined with PVP) and resources(PVE) to the for front and make for a Perfect Game. I bet you would see hundreds if not thousands of players come back. Why because someone can Win and Someone will lose. Just look at our (BLACK)operations we have crystal clear goals for each one and Crystal clear goals for when things go bad, so we can get the hell out of dodge. Now think of that on a Grand Scale.
    3 points
  14. Certainly not. But it fits my narrative. Since everyone is making the case that each other has been duping for months I needed to make mine. Comprende?
    3 points
  15. Thumbs up to the Spanish player (Capt Daniel) who left. This may just be a genuine bug, its only happened twice and statistically with only two alliances it happening to the same one twice don't mean much. Key thing is "well done" chap wot left from Spain (and their fleet for doing it). As for the Cerb...well ya know...we get this all the time, folks entering, tagging etc when its obviously BAD for the side they have a flag for. Muppets ? Noobs ? Cheats ? we don't know, lets just hope the patch fixes it (and BR tagging and port logging) and it comes SOOOOOON.
    3 points
  16. Тут нужно добавить, при этом растет хостилити города, т.е. накачивается ПБ. И если честно, то система Корсаров Онлайн, по накачке города, посредством стояния у порта=блокады, была более играбельной. Потому что пришел флот, встал в блокаду, пошли очки ПБ. Если защитники не пришли отбивать, то накачалось ПБ.
    3 points
  17. Pinar Del Rio Battle 14 Spanish/French/Swedes vs 7 US Outcome: Spanish successfully take the region There was an incredibly dense storm outside which made it extremely hard to enter the port but overall we we able to trickle in. With a ton of maneuvering we were eventually able to force the US to make a move that brought them to a disadvantage and split up there forces between us. The US made a call and retreated, we caught one of them and chased the last 2 until the points were achieved. The Spanish Caribbean fleet made its debut in gracious fashion and hope to further achieve greatness, we are requesting assistance from the homelands for further advancement, for King and Queen!
    3 points
  18. Little Harbor Shallow water Port Battle - 25 US/Brits vs 25 Pirates Good turn out and fight on both sides. Good job TFT8 for grinding it up and your first port battle. We will be there to support you next time in the shallows. Just wanted to add that both sides have over 25 players so there is no issues getting full port battles. It's just if they care or will show up to them. Also the server was up to 170 something during the port battles.
    3 points
  19. Islamorada port battle; unfortunately it was far from even because of bugs. After the Spanish 26th player and our random Cerberus left, we were stuck in a 23v25 situation. Still managed to win quite comfortably, though:
    3 points
  20. Was that the "low level guy" at Hat Island in the Cerberus who had at least one, perhaps more, AI fleet Cerberus who was fighting partnered with "Wish List" who was in a -Buc- Ingermanland, who is actually "Jobaset" who is one of if not the most dangerous PVPers active right now? You know, when the two of them staked out Hat Island to get the first rates coming out? I would think perhaps it would have been British desire to not get involved in a deadly screening battle as they tried to head to the Saint John's port battle rather than fear. I stand corrected. Pirates were not using Swedish Alts. It appears they were using Danish alts. In fact, it appears to me that at least 6 of the "Danes" in the St John's port battle were actually Pirates from BLACK. Compare the list of "Danish" participants above with the list below. (Perhaps it is common knowledge that the clan SORT is actually BLACK in Dane uniforms???) But then, you knew that. I think I heard that you're "Erik Ethelwulf", right? It does become clear why you and other Pirates have voiced eternal loyalty to the Danes. LOL Too bad. If you removed the 6 Pirates from SORT from this Saint John's battle, then the remaining Danes would have only outnumbered the Brits by a couple. I guess you didn't think of that because I know you are so proud of your prowess fighting short-handed and you only use these ALTS to even the playing field for smaller nations. It was perhaps, an oversight that in this instance you used these ALTS to overwhelmingly outnumber your opponents. Your point only makes sense when it comes to a specific battle instance. Obviously 2 people can be more effective than 1 person trying to juggle two boats but in all other ways the advantage goes to the player with twice the resources, twice the production buildings, more opportunities for port battles, port ownership, etc.
    3 points
  21. а вообще меня забавляют заявления мол "фрегат рейта убивает 111",а че вы тогда на пб то на фрегатах не ходите уважаемые(причем даже на пб 4рейтов)?да и в море вас раз в год на фрегате видно.по вашей логике состав 5 мортирых бригов и 20 сюрпов должен вознаггнуть 25 викторий в пб)))дерзайте господа я придумал вам убер тактику
    3 points
  22. No probs. Take your time. I'm sure it will take you less to read than it took me to write lol You have asked a question: "Why not a middle ground?" It is also answered in my reply and on top of that I will just add that: * 1 dura stimulates economy as this creates ship/mods consumption. Every time there is a battle it needs at least one side to replace whats been lost; * buying lots of cheap ships and upgrades gives crafters ability to be part of the economy and enter trading early. Koltes probably would not bother crafting Green ships because I'm siting on enough gold than I can ever spend and being lvl 50 crafter I dont want to settle for less than gold. Fair enough. But Wade Sharkey is only level 17 crafter and has bugger all money. This cheap green ship market is a legit way for him to enter the economy and make money as a newb, which actually means very soon we will be able to afford to sail gold ships too; Liking to have duras on your ship just means that you are so personally attached to your ship that you dont want to lose it, but in reality even if you have 2 duras its just 1 really. You lose it ones and you dont want to sail it again. Imagine there will be ship stats introduced as has been asked many times. Imagine when duras are no longer exist and ship is a ship. Its THE ship that you are lossing/capping. Imagine you got someone's ship that has full history on it. Imagine capping my Renommee that has sunk 100+ people at KPR? Imagine you got me and got my ships and then checking the stats on it: Current Owner: Anne Wildcat Previous Owner: Koltes (pirate) Ship commissioned date: 2016.02.14 Crafter: Koltes Shipyard: Kidd's Harbour Ships age: 1 year 1 month Days at sea: 74 Ships sunk: 112 Ships captured: 34 And you know that THIS ship, this particular ship has been doing this and and achieved that etc and now you sail this ship that become famous around KPR waters... Now THAT would be a trophy that actually means something and also have meaning to own and keep. Tell me if this would worth to you more than having extra dura on your ship?
    3 points
  23. Effective Immediately Accusing people or groups of cheating, or exploiting in the public forums or in game chat is not permitted with the following exceptions: If you have video or other effective and conclusive proof, you may post that proof along with the accusation in Tribunal. If you do not have video or other effective proof, but instead suspect there may be wrongdoing, you may use F11, or Private Message Ink and/or an active Moderator on the forums. Please provide as much evidence as possible, and please F11 and note the bug number where applicable. If you're messaging Ink or the Moderators, it helps to have bug numbers (they look like NAB-12345, but bug numbers are not required) so that your complaint can be properly investigated. Those who violate this rule in game are to be reported via right clicking the person's name where they made the statement, and selecting Report. In the forums, please click the "Report" link at the top of the post. Violation of this rule can result in withdrawal of your in game chat and/or forum posting privileges. ---------------------------------------- A note from the Moderation Team: We would prefer that exploits (with reproduction) be provided via F11 or through a PM to Ink and/or an active Moderator on the forums. If you feel an exploit has not been addressed or handled in a timely manner via F11, I assure you that including a few active Moderators in a PM will get you very quick attention so long as there is enough detail for us to replicate the bug. Moderators are players just like you, and we come from almost every nation in the game - we do not like to hear about exploits and all hell breaks loose behind the scenes when one is brought to our attention and we are able to replicate it. I have personally been involved in around four different exploit reports. In every one of those cases, I had personal attention from a member of the Development staff within no more than 2 hours of being able to replicate the exploit and a fix was started shortly after. We, as moderators, are very invested in a fair and fun game for everyone (we play it too, and with the same limitations in rank, money, etc. as players), as are the Developers. We'll work with you to make sure identified and replicatable exploits are addressed and fixed as soon as possible. Help us help you.
    3 points
  24. Yesterday, in the evening of Americas, God make a miracle!!! An US fleet appears in the channel point of entry Santa Fe!!!!! MAAAGICCCC!! To be clear: Usually spaniards go to PB previously to attack . UK & US usually DISCONNECTS front of a PB <-- Yes, that the truth. Am I the only I think you are a little two-faced?... your night flips are not ruinning the game. One year watching UK & US abusing of defective game mechanical, thats arruining the game. Yesterday was nightflips from USA, but last week were the misseducation of many mind-teenager players insulting on chats (like rural people, tacos and spain? OMG!). Last night the upgrades exploit ... and tomorrow? Please @Chirstendom, take a week of rest sleeping in your confortable sofa and think how hypocrite you could be.
    2 points
  25. Last I recall, your fleet sails as slowly as the slowest ship on that particular point of sail (wind direction).
    2 points
  26. Сэрго, а как тогда понимать приход вражеских кораблей в зону порта и стояние там? Разве это не блокада? Т.е. пришли злые датчане к порту Британии, заблокировали подступы к порту и начался "абсурд"? Они не фейерверки пришли запускать, не шашлыки жарить. Они пришли отжимать порт или грабить. Заодно "пограбить корованы" ))). Поэтому механику КО с набивкой портов считаю более жизнеспособной. Т.к. сейчас для накачки порта зачем-то нужны миски или НПС, но не учитывается блокада кораблями в районе входа в порт. Вспомнилось: собрались 2-3 фулки (12-18) кораблей и пошли набивать=блокировать порт. Пока одни стоят и качают, вторые дротят флоты (если не было врагов). Но как же все преобразовывалось, когда приходили полчища врагов для сбивки и разблокирования порта. Житуха кипела в регионе. Сколько было криков, оров, побед и поражений. И это, как ты говоришь, при абсурдной механике... Возможно изменив систему накачки портов в Наваляшке, мы получим более интересную систему "войны и мира" в игре. Опять же при набивке портов была работа и рейтам (хотя в КО их не так часто выводили), средним и ганкерам в регионе. Не все в КО было правильным, но многие вещи были неплохо придуманы и реализованы. До определенных патчей и действий со стороны разработчиков.
    2 points
  27. Your level of self righteousness and double standards has reached 9000 yet again ;-)
    2 points
  28. PvP(2) US ELITE recruitment We need a total of six players, 2 for US time zone, 4 for EU time zone. If you think you want to test your abilities and push yourself harder and further than ever thought possible please contact my Senior Officer Drufus Kent on any of the three servers. Working in a team goes without saying, but many of the missions you'll be asked to do will be behind enemy lines information gathering and without ALTs. We PvP usually with numbers stacked against… ELITE is not for most people and will never be large clan, but just a small cult. If you want People to play in your sandbox, the way you want to play… maybe you should drop Dru a line? Norfolk nChance
    2 points
  29. its not about you. The OP is seeking/hoping to raise the limitations of BR ( battle rating ) to allow for more attackers, for the purpose of attacking AI fleets, so beginner players may be tutored in proper battle technique (sail management). That's all.
    2 points
  30. In my experience the battle closes when the br gets close to even. But sometimes it's really messed up and is not even open, or it disappears instantly.
    2 points
  31. It sucks that in every single PB attack one side uses the log off tactic that was supposed to of been fixed, but mysteriously wasn't. It sucks that about 1/4 of our defensive battles there always seems to be something happening that benefits one side of the alliances over the other. 26 in the port battle. Mysterious alts joining. 1st rates in 4th rate battles. Battles randomly closing. It sure is strange how they benefit one side significantly over the other. The only duped gold mods I saw in Trinidad could very well of been the Spanish player in the ocean who had full gold boarding mods in a 1st rate. First time I've experienced someone in gold marines in a 1st rate before. Curious it was right after the dupe video was released. I only had blue marines ? Need I continue or are we going to just throw out more baseless accusations? The tele cutter duel thing has been in the game for months. I've seen eastern alliance players in there well before this week.
    2 points
  32. Get rid of BR altogether but make the opening time dependant on distance to capital. Closer to capital makes the battles open for longer duration.
    2 points
  33. We cant stop the alts, I can promise that in the last months we have not taken any to the battles. (talking just about VLTRA clan) The bug is just that, a bug, We played fair the battles whit that bug (forcing one of our side to leave the battle).I cant understand that MOST of the other alliance call us "exploiters" when we have played fair leaving the PB. The result of the PB is another thing.
    2 points
  34. С точки зрения пользователя КО, это может и играбельно. Только логика тут напрочь отшибается. Блокаду делают для того что бы снизить уровень сопротивления, при лобовой атаке а не для того что бы подождать, пока враг соберёт силы и прибежит на побоище. Если проект будет развиваться в эту сторону и дальше, то в итоге мы вообще будем иметь театр абсурда а не игру о эпохе парусников.
    2 points
  35. The Eastern Alliance goes to town on the US, the Brits take Trinidad, Costa del Fuego is hit 3 times in 7 days, dupegate, British rifts and much much more in this weeks A Letter to the King.
    2 points
  36. Ну если без шуток , то было бы классно.
    2 points
  37. А у пиратов вообще рейты отнимем , дадим им только пиратские фрегаты + то что смогут в абордаже забрать.
    2 points
  38. You need to Edit this mate, I was in Ingermanland with a low lvl Char in Cerberus /w cerbs as his fleet against 2 1st rates AND THEY RAN #"Jobaset" who is one of if not the most dangerous PVPers active right now. Dude this made me cry I was lol so hard
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. Ок, улучшу предложение: Заходить туда сюда можно, но единственная опция которая работает в порту, это пересесть на корабль, пополнить команду, поставить модули и купить ремки. Полностью все другие опции кроме телепорта в другой порт, блокируются. Не возможно: Выгрузить и загрузить трюмы кораблей Магазин закрыт, торговать не возможно, контракты не доступны Заводы и верфь закрыта, крафтить не возможно Торговые операции между игроками на прямую не возможны, трейд не работает Миссии взять не возможно Телепорт кораблей не доступен Смуглерам вход не возможен Возможно: Заходить и выходить из порта Поменять корабль Поменять модули Купить ремки, пушки Пополнить экипаж Прыгнуть в другой аутпост Выйти из игры ))) Логично как при настоящей блокаде. +1 контент в игре
    2 points
  41. Playing on dead servers. Seriously? There are also players from asia and australia. I can't see servers for their location. Again it's up to the players which server they choose. And it makes sense to choose the one with the highest population. And sorry but I don't see US players complaining. It were always and will always be the same players who complain. Maybe next time you choose your enemies and your allies more wisely. Have a nice day, sir!
    2 points
  42. Turning what is intended to be a replaceable item into a permanent fixture happened in Dark Ages of Camelot with the Atlantis expansion. And this turned a vibrant market into a 10% ghost town for crafters. Take the upgrades out as installable mods and a ship just becomes a ship. No need to be attached as ships can and will be replaced. Main problem is not pixels but the darn permanent and detachable upgrades that cost sometimes double (or more) as much as the ship. The loss of those hurts more than any 1 dura ship.
    2 points
  43. Naval Action player spotted on a windy day
    1 point
  44. All the people who have left the SPANISH nation for speaking another language or for disorganization of your clans or for a greater clan that you have to change faction we are calling them to form a Hispanic-American clan that defends the interests of the Spanish faction before the others Factions and there will also be no discrimination for speaking another language or being from another country. Since we have agreed with the current clans of the faction and we have changed our game system and we will receive the support for now of two clans that still remain from its beginnings Cors to the command of the great captain feared by all Corsario ROJO and his colleagues, also We will receive the help of the SH (Holy Brotherhood) clan, which is under the command of Commander Priamo and his lieutenant Brigadier Churuca, and the inestimable spiritual force which the arzobispo botijo primate of the new Spain, Amen. Todas las personas que han dejado la nación ESPAÑOLA por hablar otro idioma o por desorganización de vuestros clanes o por un clan mayor que os a echo cambiar de facción los estamos llamando para formar un clan Hispanoamericano que defienda los intereses de la faccion española ante las otras facciones y también no habrá discriminaciones por hablar otro idioma o ser de otro país. Ya que hemos convenido con los clanes actuales de la faccion y hemos cambiado nuestro sistema de juego y recibiremos el apoyo por ahora de dos clanes que aun se mantienen desde sus inicios Cors al mando del gran capitan temido por todos Corsario Rojo y sus colegas , tambien reciberemos la ayuda el clan SH(Santa Hermandad) que esta al mando del Comandante Priamo y su lugarteniente Brigadier Churuca y la inestimable fuerza espiritual que a todos nos aporta su excelencia el arzobispo botijo primado de la nueva españa, amen . Todas as pessoas que deixaram a nação espanhola de falar outro idioma ou desorganização em seus clãs ou superior do clã que você perca a mudança facção estamos chamando para formar um clã Hispano-Americana para defender os interesses da facção espanhola contra o outro facções e qualquer discriminação por falar outro idioma ou ser de outro país. Uma vez que concordaram com os clãs existentes da facção e mudamos o nosso sistema de jogo e receber suporte para agora dois clãs que ainda permanecem desde o início Cors comandando o grande capitão temido por todos Privateer Vermelho e colegas também reciberemos ajudar o clã SH (Santa Hermandad) que este Príamo comandado pelo Comandante e seu vice Brigadeiro Churuca ea força espiritual inestimável que traz todos nós sua Excelência o Arcebispo primata botijo da nova Espanha, amen. si están interesados escriban abajo. If interested write below. se estiver interessado escrever.
    1 point
  45. Thousands!!! literally over 9 thousands As i now the duping of ships come from an AHOY member (at list in brit) so.. you wanna tell us something? becouse for a weeksyour clan know both systems and didnt tell the rest
    1 point
  46. To be fair, they already had ground up puerto de espana to 50 something when i did that and had already been told by JPPSX and that helium voiced boy, cant remember his name, only his voice, sorry, telling me they were going to wipe us before we declared war on the pirates. Not so much a check we couldnt cash, rather a well hello kitty it lets dive on in.
    1 point
  47. @koltes thank you for taking the time to clearly explain your side and interpretation of events. Undoubtedly I would get a different interpretation from players from other nations... probably as many different stories as those who bother to tell it. What I would encourage EVERYONE to do is move on. Both sides distrust the other and both sides feel like they have been wronged. (I know from reading some of your previous posts that you also tend to post with a clear head, reasonable opinions, and advocate moving forward beyond past grievances -- thank you.) At this point, I'm not sure what the Pirates want from the Dutch. I don't think you Pirates are as unified in strategy and long-term goals as you are when you are in combat. Some of you claim to just want PVP. Well, there's probably less than 10 of us Dutch in all time zones and of all ranks active right now so you're not going to get much as we run out of ships and officer lives. Being so small, there is really only a couple of ways we can initiate PVP: we can all agree to stage it and meet up in OW or we start grinding in an area you care about hoping you come out. However, many of our most experienced players believe your real goal is to wipe us off the map. They believe you're basically a bunch of bullies. That opinion seems to be confirmed if we happen to oppose you in what you deem as your sacred territories such as Castries. When our couple of biggest smack talkers start up in the forums, it seems to also piss off a faction of Pirates enough that they go for the jugular. So, perhaps you can understand the mixed message we're getting. If we come and fight you or other nations that are in our strategic area, we get rolled back to the state of being a noncombat effective nation. If we don't come and fight you, we're called carebears and you attack and take all our ports hoping that it will spur us to fight (and die). Let me sum this up from MY perspective playing Dutch for a couple of months... we have some skill and resources and players enough to wage low intensity conflict in our area. We do not have enough of any of those things to wage all out war. With anyone. I can hear the response to the above: "Your alliance sucks if it doesn't give you enough strength." Yep, perhaps it does. But if you want to encourage PVP and help server health, destroying a nation will not get them out of an alliance. It just makes them cuddle up to it even more because there is nowhere else to go. In fact, I don't think any nation or alliance on PVP2 currently has the manpower to wage all out war for very long. So, history on the servers will just continue to repeat itself. One side will start rolling because they have the manpower and organization. They will be successful for a time until there are no more lands to conquer -- Alexander wept -- and then the conquerers get bored and the conquered claw their way back perhaps eventually reversing course and the roles switch (if the game survives). So here is the dilemma WE ALL FACE in this game as it is now structured. It is a game of conquest and war. We know from real life history that war is not very effective if it is fought just to hold the 38th parallel, pacify a population, establish a new government, etc. War is total, or it isn't very effective. Militaries are made to be used. If you build them, they tend to get used. And all we have to do in this game is war and build militaries. In many games, ultimate victory is defined. There is an objective. In Game Labs own Ultimate General Civil War, it is clear that you either play as the Union or CSA and your goal is to win the war by destroying the enemy army and its ability to fight. Afterwards, if you win or lose, you can reset your variables and do it again trying different tactics. In Naval Action, there is no end game so we are destined to continue the same pattern. One side dominates until they get bored, other side crawls back, dominates, then they get bored. But we have the added challenge that players who get bored or frustrated can fairly easily switch to the other side or just give up the game. I don't have a solution to this problem. Game Labs, give us an End Game! I cringed when I read that declaration of war (was it OneEyed?) because I knew he was writing a check that we did not have the bodies to cash. Who is the leader? I don't know. I can tell you who is the most vocal but then probably so can you. LOL I haven't played enough with the alliance partners to know if they have too many generals, but my observation of the Dutch is we don't have ENOUGH generals. We do have a lot of clans considering our small player base, but clans for us really are just logistic entities providing more storage for goods. I honestly don't know who is in what clan and rarely notice that we have different clan tags. Is this organization a mistake on our part? Perhaps. I can see the advantage in communication if we were all in the same clan.
    1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. People do not learn to fight in gank fleets. I used to run in a gank fleet. I've learned more in 2 battles on my own than I did in 20 in my gank fleet (and my gank fleet did have pros in it, I still cannot sterncamp as well as they do). I want to see people try to fight on even grounds. Multiple dur allows people to be able to try, lose, and get back out. Want 1 dur. Adjust modules so those that want 1 dur can fight in their 1 dur ships. Give modules durability, or something, to make crafters have to craft more regular mods and maybe don't lose mods when losing last dur. Give crafters the option to select dur on building gold or green ships. Add the ability to put up for sale captured ships at the shop.
    1 point
  50. In this the FIFTIETH episode of a Letter to the King we see the US thrive, the Eastern Alliance rebuff wave after wave of attacks and much much more in what was probably the most biffo seen in a week since the new Port Mechanics
    1 point
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