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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2016 in all areas

  1. Hi captains well the biggest friend is ...darkness... when i am sailing at night in enemy territory i always light up, as if i am a lighthouse on the water what attracts more pirates from a long distance i always ask my boatswain to shut down the lights but for some reason, he is not able to dim the lights he for some reason can not find the key button ( L ) " for lights off " because my vessel has a hidden place for it .... so my question for the devs would be, make the key button L active for toggle the lights Captains and dev s what do you think of it is it a good feature, should it be implemented ? if so thumbs up and like pls Greetings o7 Thonys
    10 points
  2. My Sugrestion is, Remove Fleets, again. They put too much emphasis on PVE, and cut down on PVP.
    4 points
  3. The Dutch High Council representing the Staaten General and the Prince of Oranje in the West Indies do hereby declare war against Spain. This is in response to current conflict against our ally the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland by Spain. The Dutch Admiralty have received reports of Spanish frigates entering Dutch territorial waters and attacking Dutch merchantmen and ships of the Dutch Navy. This WAR is hereby declared to exist as of the 3rd of July, seventeen hundred and sixteen.
    4 points
  4. Hello, my name is Stuart, father to 4, grandfather to 1.5, my in game name is IronAxe and I pulled the Britain Flag against Port Antonio. Let me start by saying that I have not played this game for long, but I have put many hours in and enjoy the game a lot. I recently acquired the rank of RA and enjoy doing missions with my Clan. Now that we have the nice stuff out of the way, lets get down to business. I have spent very little time on this forum, as I am sure you can see by my log in history, I didn't even know what this section (Tribunal) was about, sorry, but I'm too busy enjoying the game! So a clan member pointed me to this thread today, and frankly I am appalled with the threat attached to this ongoing in-game mechanic, there was no warning when I pulled the flag, which, by the way is the first time I have ever done this, in fact I have only ever been in one Port Battle, however, I have never received a real life warning of the consequences attached to doing something like this in the game, and so never knew! So, my question is, why has this not been addressed by Devs. If this is WIP (I believe I heard something about a diplomacy mechanic, not sure if this is included) and it is to be added, then how can you possibly justify "From now on, players who purchase flags with the sole intent of blocking others from attempting to capture a port risk losing their XP and Assets." without making an official in-game announcement through mail or even emails to those that have purchased the game? Surely you can not expect people to "just know"? With that, I request you either make an official announcement which ALL players can read or simply ignore this exploit(mechanic) until it is fixed! Lastly, as far as I am personally concerned, if any of my assets/XP are removed, I will simply say, thank you for a beautiful, well made (accept for this issue) game and good-bye, I will simply quit and that is how seriously I take this and the fact you try to impose rules and then not tell people. I will also, of course, contact Steam. Regards Stuart (usually a happy-go-lucky Older Gamer) (To Moderator: If you do not wish to post this, please, at least pass it on to the Devs as I would really appreciate an answer and closure on this, thank you!)
    4 points
  5. Дело не в баснословной прибыли. Дело в том, что люди, пришедшие на пару часов в день ради ПвП, будут уходить в минус и вынуждены заниматься торговлей/ПвЕ/другим не интересным им делом. Хотелось бы уходить хотя бы в 0. Причём если корабль противника сдаётся, то денег ты получаешь в 2 раза меньше. Хотя, по логике вещей, сдавшийся корабль и должен принести наибольшую прибыль.
    4 points
  6. Sailing my Conni solo and I run across 2 pirates players each in a Renommee. And each has 2 AI Renommee's. 1 vs. 2 turns into 1 vs. 6. That is BULLSHIT! This is the third time player AI fleets have been added to the game and the third time I refuse to ever get them. I understand you have spent a lot of time coding this with the AI tablet and you want it in game. I have to ask why? Why spend so much time on something that wrecks PVP? All the same problems we had before and fought to have them removed are back. I have zero respect for any captain I see sailing with them. Dev's so bent on putting this in game against most players wishes. Everyone who hates players AI fleets sound out now and get this removed from the game a third and hopefully final time!!!
    3 points
  7. I think fleets make for a very good option, which we need in the future. Just the other day I had to move a couple of ships to a to-be-created outpost. It does need a little tweaking on Open World movement. A fleet needs to move at the speed of the slowest ship and then with a penalty of -1 knot per ship added. I was mixing a Constitution with a Pickle and all of a sudden I could no longer move downwind. So does a fleet with a Lynx and two Constitutions. You lose all downwind and upwind speed.
    3 points
  8. Meeting for the first monthly public financial statement of -XIX- July 2nd, 1716, Willemstad, Curaçao - at the Colonial office of the Heeren XIX. - The prominent figure of the chairman rose from his chair. On the red curtain behind the large table an emblem was embroidered depicting the corporate signature of the Compaignie des heeren XIX. As he stood up, he saw the freshly baked cookies from Willemstad’s famous “Bakkerij Bussing” still went around in the audience that was already enjoying a hot cup of excellent English tea, acquired through some recent friendly and profitable contacts with British traders. Heer Jon ‘t Ven toe Raay, obviously of noble blood with a difficult name as such, was accompanied by the other members of the board and all sat behind that large table facing the audience. The board members were wearing their best set of clothes and wigs and were looking quite dandy. He started his speech. It was a pleasant voice to listen to. “Ladies, gentlemen, as heer der Heeren of the Compaignie des heeren XIX, I welcome you to our very first public financial presentation. As all of you are aware we are doing business under Octroy of the Republic and are therefore a public company obliged to make these public announcements. The first one we wanted to do in style.” He smiled and saw a satisfied audience chewing their cookies in anticipation of things to come. Heer Evertsen de Oude will probably be correct that investing in cookies can be profitable in the end. “As for the order of the meeting I’ll first say something about the focus of our company, then the esteemed Heer of the Rekenkamer, Pier Donia, will announce the financial results of the last month. Lastly we are happy to talk to you personally about some of our investment opportunities and shareholder options if you would be interested in that.” He took a sip of his own tea and almost burnt his tongue. “The recent agreed truce, the Treaty of the Antilles at Montserrat, saw to it that Willemstad prices plummeted as demand went down. Our company, despite those hostilities in the Eastern parts of our colonies, was earning quite well with spoils of war and the high prices. However, we are in agreement with the Dutch Consortium on the necessity of a truce. A change of focus and market is henceforth being taken care of. Our newly erected fishing squadron will see to it that profitability remains and new markets around Haiti and Cuba are currently explored. Our recently renewed defensive fleet to combat piracy around the northern parts of the Caribbean has been vigilant and profitable. In regard to trade and construction, our shipyards are continuously building new ships and our warehouses are filled abundantly with materials to trade. The focus in the coming months will be to establish trade agreements with other companies of all the nations active throughout the Caribbean. Furthermore, our company will be active in hiring more employees the coming months who will be offered a great working environment in professional surroundings, with an actual share in the company. Pier, can I hand the attention of the audience to you for the financial statements?” New cookies arrived quickly, as guiding audiences through financial statements would certainly not be an exciting part for most people in this meeting. Heer van de Rekenkamer, Pier Donia, started his oratory. “Yes, thank you Heer. I shall keep it as brief and quick as possible. We have provided copies of the statements, which clearly shows a profit of a little over 26 million Guilders last month. Some benefits are directly cash related and some were to build our assets. To strengthen the value of the company, our board has decided to assign 16 million guilders to the equity by adding it to the Capital Reserve giving our company a worth of just over 45 million Guilders. This increased the value of the shares two point three times, with …, .... blablablabla ..., …, and thus 50.000 Guilders per share in dividend is reserved to an amount of 9,5 million Guilders and to be payed out to shareholders. With the current activities deploying, profitability should rise further in the coming months.” There were no more cookies left and Heer Jon ‘t Ven toe Raay quickly took over. “Thank you heer van de Rekenkamer, the public statements looks excellent! Ladies, Gentlemen, thank you for your patience and attention. We now can take some of your questions and if you would like to discuss our investment and job opportunities, please feel free to do so. All of our Heeren are available to you.” You can find more information about the Octroy of our company here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14593-octroy-voors-compaignie-heeren-neegentien-xix/?p=270412 You can find more information about the Treaty of Montserrat here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14809-preliminary-treaty-of-the-antilles-commerce-and-free-navigation-valid-as-soon-as-the-four-nations-sign/?p=274607
    3 points
  9. 27.06.2016 (prev) captured / owned ports 80 / 81 - Pirates 62 / 63 - España 43 / 44 - Great Britain 41 / 42 - France 33 / 36 - United States 32 / 33 - Verenigde Provinciën 23 / 24 - Denmark-Norge 7 / 8 - Sverige Top 3 Lord Protector10 - Trajanus de Hispania 9 - HMCS Warrior 8 - Anolytic Top 3 defend time18-20 - 85 ports 20-22 - 52 ports 10-12 - 36 ports Resources available to a nation *if this post get 6 likes until 03.07.2016 then i will publish next report
    3 points
  10. Wishing you all a very happy 4th July
    2 points
  11. I'm a bit on the fence with this one. I must argue that having fleets tied to the crew mechanic is a step in the right direction, but it does need more work. Limitations on what can be done with a fleet in tow may alleviate some issues. Perhaps limiting players with fleets from engaging in PvP: if you have a fleet you cannot attack other players or join PvP battles, but you can be attacked. Perhaps we should also work what ships can be used as fleets and when. Limit fleets based on the ship that the player is piloting: if you are sailing a trader's Lynx, you can't have 2 connies escorting you.
    2 points
  12. I find the cost of crew needs tweaking down per sailor I would say a third cheaper to half of what current costs are, 500g per Sailor is a bit excessive for my drunken layabouts, there's a war on ya know!
    2 points
  13. Спорный вопрос. Выигрышный бой должен приносить прибыль, игрок всё-таки потопил вражеские корабли и уничтожил команду, нанес большой урон вражеской стороне, приблизив победу своей нации. А сам даже не вышел в ноль. С учетом сильного снижения дохода от ПВЕ, это приведет к снижению кол-ва боёв, коих и так не много, т.к. вместо ПвП игрок теперь будет часами ловить рыбу, не создавая никакой движухи. Раньше можно было хоть трейдеров половить афкашных и заработать, а сейчас фигушки. Ну и я слабо представляю капитанов какого-нибудь Королевского флота занимающихся торговлей, ловлей рыбы или строительством кораблей, чтобы они могли выполнять боевые задачи.
    2 points
  14. Вчера ходили на ПвП, было 3 боя. Состав 2 фрегата, ингер и конста. Первый бой Бой был против белоны и 2х конст. 1 конста сбежала, вторая конста и белона сдались. Начисления за бой 20-30 тысяч для 4х рейтов. Второй бой Бой был против белоны и консты. Оба противника сдались. Начисления за бой 20-30 тысяч для 4х рейтов. Третий бой На пути домой догнали ингера. Ингер потоплен. За кил ~45тысяч, за ассист ~35 тысяч у 4х рейтов. Итог Заработано в среднем 90 тысяч, расходы на ремонт, пополнение расходников и экипажа ~150 тыс. Мы что-то делали не так или сейчас ПвП не прибыльно? И ещё один момент, нашу группу 2 раза затаскивал в бой basic cutter. Порог по БР был отменён или понижен? http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/261588921336555686/EC3F3F36DDE3AC831206CA437ADC4E5AF15C2655/
    2 points
  15. Love this RP! So who was the fool? The one trying to pass off a citrus as a vehicle, or the one who bought the sell? Got rice? Got food, got soup, got spice? AZN PRIDE! hehe https://youtu.be/v1Yd8g1kV3Y
    2 points
  16. Le Bucentaure Bucentaure was an 80-gun ship of the line of the French Navy, and the lead ship of her class. She was the flagship of Vice-Admiral Latouche Tréville, who died on board on 18 August 1804. The Bucentaure at Trafalgar Vice-Admiral Villeneuve hoisted his flag on 6 November 1804. Bucentaure hosted the Franco-Spanish war council while sheltered from the British fleet at Cadiz. The vote was to remain in safe waters (a decision later overruled by Admiral Villeneuve) During the council, Spanish general Escaño complained that the atmospheric pressure was descending (a sign of approaching storms). French vice-admiral Magon famously retorted "the thing descending here is braveness". This offended Admiral Gravina and other Spanish officers who did not oppose later the imprudent order of taking to sea. At the Battle of Trafalgar, on 21 October 1805, she was commanded by Captain Jean-Jacques Magendie. Admiral Nelson's HMS Victory, leading the weather column of the British fleet, broke the French line just astern of Bucentaure and just ahead of Redoutable. Victory raked her less protected stern and the vessel lost 197 men and 85 were wounded (including Captain Magendie); Admiral Villeneuve was lucky to survive, but this effectively put Bucentaure out of most of the fight. After three hours of fighting, she surrendered to Captain James Atcherly of the Marines from HMS Conqueror. Villeneuve is supposed to have asked to whom he was surrendering. On being told it was Captain Pellew, he replied, 'There is no shame in surrendering to the gallant Sir Edward Pellew.' When he was informed that the Conqueror's captain (Israel Pellew) was Sir Edward's brother, he said, 'England is fortunate to have two such brothers.' In the following days, Bucentaure's crew rose up against the British prize crew, and recaptured the ship. However, she was wrecked in the gale-force storm of 23 October 1805. ----------------------------------------------- Found these online, so you can see how it will look after it is finished: This is not an actual NA game model!! NA WIP:
    1 point
  17. Hello everyone, So a few of you might be aware of the naval action wiki and a couple of you might use it every day and im here to give a very important announcement regarding the wiki, we are moving. The reasons for the move are giving me more control and also to get rid of the ads which are on the old wiki which people have complained about being annoying. So without further a do, here is the new Naval Action Wiki! As an added bonus there is an easter egg hidden somewhere on the new naval action wiki with instructions on how to get a copy of Naval Action from yours truly, so go ham and try and find it! Lastly, if you guys have any complaints, find any bugs or any other general feedback, you can do so here and in case something bad happens, i wont close the old Wiki however i will not be updating it any more(however feel free to do so your self). edit: the easter egg has been found and the winner has recieved his key, i will keep the easter egg there so free to look for it
    1 point
  18. Forgive me if I'm late to the party. I am going to predict that there will be multiple officer types, and maybe we won't be able to have all of them aboard. For ease of reading I will break these perks down by officer type. (added several more new perk ideas on 7/8, so read carefully if you're returning to this thread! Purser Treasure Hunter = a bonus percentage to all loot taken from captured ships. Meticulous Purser = Reduction in crew hire costs, food needed for crew, etc... Petty Thief = Find random exotic goods in your hold each time you visit a port. Press Ganger = Increases available crew (not crew size per ship, crew available to crew extra ships) Persuasive Purser = convince surviving crew of boarded ship to join own crew. 1st Officer Observant/Officer and Gentleman = increased experience for officers and/or captain. Royalty = increased rewards for fleet and individual missions. Navigator = Shows a blip on the mini-map of your general location. Pennant master = Increases friendly AI skill by one level Towmaster = increased speed sailing against the wind in open world and battle. Lifeguard = increased crew retention when sunk Teetotaler = increases crew efficiency overall (sail/yard turn rate, cannon reload time) Blockaid Runner = Speed boost in open world. Adventurer/Explorer Explorer = See what a port sells without having to enter the port. (Must be within a certain proximity) Monster Hunter = bonus when using boarding axes, sword fighting handbooks (you never know when you have to cut off the Kraken's tenticles) Calico Cat/Foxy Lady = Confusion bonus. Lowers moral of enemies while defending on boarding by 5% per round of boarding. Swashbuckler/Dread Pirate = Swashbuckling bonus like sword fighting handbooks Duelist = Like gunnery handbooks, bonus to shooting accuracy in boarding offense/defense. Sharpshooter = Kills enemy crew whenever close to enemy ship. 1 per 30 seconds within 50 meters, something like that. Zealous Preacher = base morale bonus Carpenter Non-Swimmer = Faster leak repair. Master Fiddler = increases repair rate in battle and increases quality of repairs after battle. Master Carpenter = increases quality of repairs in battle and after. Cautiously Pessimistic = Shutter the stern windows (increased stern armor/planking) Bullnose/Rhino/Beakhead = decreased damage when ramming. Sail Mender = causes a small regeneration rate for sails during combat and at sea (consumes "sailcloth" in ship stores, to be made by crafters) Carpenter's Party = causes a small regeneration rate for sails during combat and sea (consumes "repair parts" in ship hold, to be made by crafters) More with Less = 25% more hull/sail restoration from repair kits in open world. Marine Crusader/Righteous Fury = Boarding Prep bonus Gunny/Gunnery Sergeant = bonuses to muskets and pistols, gunnery handbooks Ready axes = gives a bonus to prevent boarding action (cut ropes and ladders to prevent boarding before it begins Grapple masters = increased boarding activation distance and/or speed. Sharpshooters = Kills crew of nearby enemy ships. 1 kill per 50 marines aboard at 100 yards per 30 seconds. Scarred/Grizzled Veterans = Marines have 5% less loss from melee combat. Helmsman/Master Sailor Master Sailor = increased speed and turn rate in open world and maybe turn through irons in battle. Master Fisherman = increased fish hauls. Eagle Eyes = audio/visual warning about nearby enemy ships in open world. Rigging Master/Coxswain = Increased turn rate through irons. Boatswain = (replaces charismatic boatswain, or maybe stack the bonuses?) Fire Drill Master = Put out fires right away. Cannoneer Israel Hands = reduces overall cannon spread (the big cone of fire, not individual cannons.) Veteran Cannoneer = (like pellew sights) Drillmaster = decreased cannon reload time Trunnion Expert = Allows cannons to be raised/lowered. Chef Exotic Chef = trickleback bonus to crew in combat (they are healthy enough to recover) More with Less = 25% more crew restoration per medkit Doctor Patch him up! = (in battle) fast crew regeneration up to 10% of lost crew returns to duty. Triage = (in battle) slow crew regeneration in battle up to 25% of lost crew. Trauma Surgeon = (upon battle exit) 25% of crew lives lost saved instantly. Holistic Doctor = (open world/after battle) restore up to 50% lost crew over a period of 15 minutes. Pirate Doctors --- skills different from national doctors listed above. Witch Doctor = (like grog rations, increases boarding moral, decreases small arms skill) Witch's brew = increases boarding moral, but drops steadily over time (quick high/quick withdrawl). Voodoo Doctor = small crew regeneration out of battle/open world 10 % of crew every 10 minutes. (zombies!) Pirate Only Perks (for when they finally segregate pirates from nations) Cursed = increased speed in open world, decreased speed in battle Improvised carriages = reduced crew necessary for cannons, decreased cannon health Sabateur - You'd think this wouldn't be a good guy to have on your crew, but it's great when you want to scuttle a ship. (water intake from fire x2) Arsonist - Another possibly bad guy to have on your ship. (Increases fire chance x2) New Game Mechanics: (Purser skill) Parley Master = a special ability offering to steal the goods in the hold of a national ship, but letting that ship escape with full crew and unable to be targetted for 15 minutes (no dura loss) (Carpenter Skill) Salvage master = retain non-permanent upgrades upon sinking of a ship with a single durability. Guild drydocks, to be built by guilds. If a ship loses a durability and/or sinks, you can restore one durability. The price of restoring a durability to a ship is the total store price of all the raw materials needed to craft a new ship - or, the sum total of half the raw materials or parts necessary to make a new ship. This could have a timer attached too. So, maybe 12 hours per rating of a ship while it is being fixed. 12 hours for 6th rate, 3 days for 1st rate.
    1 point
  19. 'President' USS President was a wooden-hulled, three-masted heavy frigate of the United States Navy, nominally rated at 44 guns. George Washington named her to reflect a principle of the United States Constitution. She was launched in April 1800 from a shipyard in New York City. President was one of the original six frigates whose construction the Naval Act of 1794 had authorized, and she was the last to be completed. Characteristics Class and type: 50-gun 60-gun (1817) Tons burthen: 1533 7⁄94 (bm) Length: 173 ft 3 in (52.8 m) (overall); 146 ft 4 3⁄4 in (44.6 m) (keel) Beam: 44 ft 4 in (13.5 m) Depth of hold: 13 ft 11 in (4.2 m) Armament: 30 × 24-pounder guns (10.9 kg) 28 × 42-pounder (19 kg) carronades 2 × 24-pounder guns (10.9 kg) Plans
    1 point
  20. Уважаемые разработчики! Мы с крайней благодарностью относимся к Вам за этот прекрасный, без шуток, проект, где наконец-то реализованно все то, чего нам не хватало в PotBS. Однако тот факт, что Вы вернули возможность нанимать непись на высоких рангах начинает убивать интерес в пвп. Теперь любой, самый замечательный гражданин, способен на беллоне/павле/виктори ганкать фрегат, к примеру. Ведь с ним будет пара нпс раттлснейков, например. Для ПВП сервера мы (сообщество PoDW) видим подобную фичу крайне нежелательной, ведь здесь именно игроки создают вселенную, делают "песочницу". Золотые матросы. А может даже бриллиантовые? Суть проблемы в том, что теперь пополнять команду весьма затратное дело, но это на самом деле не беда. Беда начинается в тот момент, когда после ожесточенного боя мы нажимаем ТАБ и видим, что противник не утонул, а сдался - и правильно, ведь зачем терять офицера и команду. Но ведь без засчитанного килла прибыль от пвп, мягко скажем, не айс. Огромная просьба, подправьте пожалуйста тогда механику так, чтобы за сдачу корабля противником давалось столько же опыта и денег, как за килл, иначе пвп будет убыточным, особенно для тех сообществ, которые не практикуют просто ганк, а любят сложные, долгие, но крайне увлекательные сражения. Спасибо. P.S. От себя. Мы ооочень ждем новые корабли, а именно новые фрегаты. Наши матросы уже заждались Indefatigable и Endymion.
    1 point
  21. Please, to all kaptens and developer traveling to outposts with or without timer, that spoils the game. With this arkade-modus you taking all the sailing feeling and logistik fun out of the game. A simulation like this one, should have no oportunity to jump in zero time from one place to another. We are sailing, not porting. What about an on/off option + 1 or 2 Day-timer for using or not using the ingame travel. And for not using the travel option, you get some spacials, like 10% more ep or better prizes, what ever....
    1 point
  22. "most players" as in 4 counted so far? We don't want to do another hyperbolic vs preposterous discussion again, do we? Can you add "Remove Fleet?" "Yes", "No" poll? Then we can start the measurements.
    1 point
  23. Непись которая ходит с тобой во флоте, когда тонет - не теряет прочку. Патч дерьмо, просто ***, даже обсуждать нечего.
    1 point
  24. Я просто не могу не рассказать пару сегодняшних историй. Решил зайти все таки в игру и провел 2 боя. 1) Бой мой раттл+(флит из 2х тринек) против белоны. Закончил бой за 15 минут. К сожалению скрин не сделал, но можете мне поверить. (непись стреляла по парусам, я по команде, потом поджег, бабах. Конец) 2) Бой против еще одной белоны, но тут вы просто похудеете. Моя неписевская тринька подплыла к белоне и просто вырезала её в одну атаку. Классный патч мужики! Просто идеальный. Я хз что должно быть в голове, что бы придумать и сделать такой бред.
    1 point
  25. Looks like a case of http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14822-i-am-pirate-flag/
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Then you have the COD 74 faction as above... PEW PEW PEW!!! More PEW PEW PEW!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  28. Screwing a projectile out took longer than firing the gun and reloading.
    1 point
  29. I was wondering what the odds were of being able to rescue sailors that have been left stranded after a ship has sunk. I feel that this would be an interesting alternative to hiring the 4 or 5 sailors you just lost in a battle, instead scatter some near a shipwreck now that they have been added. Maybe even add a surgeon on board to tend to wounded and stranded sailors. This could also yield a great pirate mechanic as sailors were known to be press ganged into service and adding the crew bonus for additional sailors acceding the max crew for nationals. Basically this could make it so pirates become different from nationals as their ships have more crew as most real pirates did. Honestly, I don't care about the pirate suggestion, just wanted to throw another idea into the mix. Feedback on both ideas, perticularly stranded sailors, is much appreciated. Also if there are any possible exploits with any of these ideas don't be afraid to point them out as I want these ideas torn apart and re-assembled into a great idea.
    1 point
  30. Конвой из ботов задумывался как защита одиночек от ганка, вышло всё наоборот: конвой не защитит от ганка, если два игрока хватают одного (который взял сопровождение), то на нпс можно не обращать внимания, ибо убийство игрока (его выход из боя или сдача) приводит к капитуляции нпс, т.е. ганкерам корабль НПС ещё и в качестве приза достанется... а вот отлавливать одиночек и ганкать их используя то, что сопровождение нпс даёт тебе преимущество - уже довольно распостранённое явление. повторюсь, тот кто проиграл находится в распоряжении победителя, сдаться нужно кому то, кто сдачу примет, заплатив ему контрибуцию. Сейчас театр абсурда - игроки просто ждут, когда трюм наполнится на 90% водой, потом нажимают "сдаться", в итоге выигравшим не достанется ни корабль, ни "киллы", ни "ассисты"... Очень не хочется, чтобы была ситуация. когда чтобы пару часов поиграть в пвп (даже побеждая, уж молчу о тех кто проиграл), игрок должен потратить 3-4 часа на фарм. Рискованные занятия должны в случае удачи приносить хорошую прибыль, в игре же наоборот, призы и прибыль в пве (самый лучший приз-бутылка, чтобы его получитб рисковать не надо). Т.е. плюшки в пве - мало и без риска, пвп - много и опасно.
    1 point
  31. Always thought about this one, during the heavy storms we have from times to times we can barely see the coast 100 meters away from our ship but we are still able to see and follow clearly the illuminated stern of a ship acting like a beacon in the night as long as he stays in the rendering distances, being able to turn lights off will be great, if i am chased by enemies in the night or trying to sneak up somewhere using the bad weather i should be able to turn lights off on my ships.
    1 point
  32. Hi captains well we have the shipwreck loot but what about the sailors? why not a mission bottle with > Help us whe are stranded on the shores of xxx in enemy territory and to rescued sailors> who becomes then new crew (* go... and look for them if you are low on crew)
    1 point
  33. I understand the basic idea of the new Crew system, but am repeatedly perplexed by how it actually works out in practice. Sometimes I need to replace crew losses after a battle. Sometimes not. Sometimes Hammocks covers part of the crew losses and I don't need to pay for those. Sometimes not. Today, three separate battles with distinctly different outcomes regarding crew losses/replacements. The first two were Rank 7 (Brit Post-captain) Fleet Orders, entered solo in a Connie (equipped with Exc Hammocks, which provided an extra 56 crew on top of the base 450, thereby starting battle with 506 onboard). In Battle # 1, I lost exactly 100 men, finishing with 406. After the 56 "free" from Hammocks, I expected to have to hire/medkit 44 crew. Instead, none. Not one crew replacement required; crewpool untouched. In Battle # 2, I lost 95 men, finishing with 411. After first battle, didn't really know what to expect. Turns out, I had to replace 82 crew...which is very close to the "after Hammocks" losses for the two battles combined. At this point, I thought maybe crewpool updates once per hour, somewhat like the hourly LH uptick? Regardless, over the two battles, I had lost a total of 195 men, and had been required to replace only 82 of them, so it appeared to me that the Hammocks were indeed providing "free extras" for crew management purposes. Battle # 3. Then later in the evening, participated in a group for Rank 6 fleet order in Belle Poule. 280 base + 35 extra provided by Hammocks. Lost only 25 crew, so expected no replacements necessary. Nope, my crewpool depleted by the full 25, as if the Hammocks had had no effect. Ultimately, I don't have a strong opinion on what the specific mechanics should be, or whether Hammocks should or should not have an economic bonus through saving crew replacement costs (although as a player, I'd rather enjoy it if they did). I do, however, want consistently predictable results which are easily understandable. I'm not seeing that right now.
    1 point
  34. После пары дней тестов нового патча: Офицеры: Не хочется видеть в игре перки, дающие по узлу скорости и +20% перезарядки. Интереснее всего перки, не дающие процентных бафов к боевым характеристикам, подобные этим (привел для примера несколько из имеющихся и предлагавшихся в специальной теме): Рыбалка. Хочется надеяться, что в будущем функция рыбалки отойдет специальным рыболовецким судам, поскольку военному флоту было бессмысленно заниматься ловлей рыбы. Ну а бутылки и кораблекрушения вполне интересное разнообразие, только вот печально выглядит модель корабля на месте крушения - место крушения брига или 3rd rate, а изображается все одной моделькой позеленевшего Indiaman. Crew Management. Хочется надеяться, что это только зачаточный вариант менеджмента команды. Но вот этот пункт... ...вызывает негодование. Данная фича была бы прекрасна для PvE сервера, на PvP сервере все функции отданные ботофлотам должны выполнять игроки - сопровождать торговца, собираться в эскадры, чтоб не было страшно и т.д. Участие ботов в геймплее на PvP сервере должно быть сведено к минимуму.
    1 point
  35. hehe i do this in battles all the time to mates. they freak out for a moment til they figure out where it's coming from
    1 point
  36. Nice vid, and thank you. I hope new and returning ppl will see this.
    1 point
  37. Old post was never deleted its in the Armada Collection
    1 point
  38. "152 xp: 170-250 BR - single Frigate, Belle Poule, Essex, or Trincomalee. Double Niagara, double Cerberus, double Renomee, or paired combinations. Surprise paired with Niagara, Cerberus, or Renomee." Just so you know this is pretty much spot on.
    1 point
  39. a white strip? looks like girlie to me. maybe you should do it in a deep pink? and maybe some lawn chairs on the back deck!
    1 point
  40. Does this map accurately depict the treaty zones with the correct port transfers? Larger image link HERE I was uncertain of the section I.2.3 With the exception of La Blanquilla, Aves and Saint John’s which are part of the "pvp-zone."
    1 point
  41. I'm sorry you encountered experienced players that fought and probably kill you, but hey, that how the game goes. First of all: Forget about any chivalrous behavior. It's non existent. Experienced Captains will fight you when they have all the advantages on their side. They will only fight if they have at minimum a 80% plus chance of winning. NA is a Naval Warfare simulation and that are simply the rules of war. Second: If you have any trouble with the first point I recommend to start on PvE until you get used to the game, controls, ships, aiming and shooting, boarding, trading etc. And finally: Don't start such silly posts. I understand that you were probably annoyed by some incidents on the server - but as Buns of Steel already mentioned: It's part of the game. Get used to it.
    1 point
  42. I dunno, players tend to attack anything that moves...
    1 point
  43. If it's training, then why do you get XP/Gold/lose Dura/cap ship? The PvP in those battles are exactly the same as you'll get in OW, just balanced in terms of team size/BR Either Magnum^ is correct, or people are just generally whining / want the game dumbed down to World of Sailing Warships levels.
    1 point
  44. You are still wondering that nobody defended the ports you mostly held and defended before your clan went pirate?
    1 point
  45. Hey Captains. We have to admit we wasted some good dev time in Jan after release on the unnecessary features (listened to players a bit more than needed due to our previous position to always react to player wants fast) - namely queues autokick new server several backup and server stability related features other things We learnt a lot and this might help in the future (or other games) but we should not have done it. Merging and transfer will happen after War & peace/rvr/port battles changes are approved by players and coded. It might take 1-2 months. If you want more action it is advised to just transfer to pvp 1. If you want more secluded environment you can stay. We are going to discuss it this week with the team and maybe propose other options for captains moving to pvp 1
    1 point
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